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Do not let the child leave the house, even under favourable circumstances, under a fortnight. Do not, while the eruption is out, give aperients. Do not, "to ease the cough," administer either emetic tartar or paregoric the former drug is awfully depressing, the latter will stop the cough, and will thus prevent the expulsion of the phlegm.

They are somewhat styptic, and bitterish; and hence my be of some service in debility and laxity of the viscera, and immoderate secretions, or a suppression of the natural evacuations depending thereon: they are recommended in haemorrhages and fluxes; and likewise as aperients, in suppressions of urine, obstructions of the viscera, in the jaundice, &c.

Let him eat stewed prunes, stewed rhubarb, roasted apples, strawberries, raspberries, the inside of grapes and gooseberries, figs, &c. Give him early every morning a draught of cold water. Let me, again, urge you not to give aperients in these cases, or in any case, unless you are absolutely compelled.

Butter and raw sugar is a popular remedy, and is sometimes used by a nurse to open the bowels of a new born babe, and where there is costiveness, answers the purpose exceedingly well, and is far superior to castor oil. Try by all means to do, if possible, without a particle of opening medicine. If you once begin to give aperients, you will have frequently to repeat them.

If the external application of a purgative will have the desired effects it will in such cases, be better than the internal administration of aperients. Castor Oil used as a Liniment is a good one for the purpose. Let the bowels be well rubbed, every night and morning, for five minutes at a time with the oil.

Castor oil, senna, jalap, jalapine, and scammony are simple aperients. They empty the bowels and nothing more, and in cases of simple constipation, or where a child is ill either from eating too much or from taking indigestible food, are the best purgatives that can be given.

At the end of two or three days of rest in bed, of a diet of beef-tea and milk, with no solid food, with simple saline medicines, mild aperients, and perhaps a single small dose of calomel, the symptoms pass off; but return again and again at uncertain intervals, and without any obvious cause.

He thought he detected mistakes on the part of the English physicians, arising from the custom then prevalent in England of lowering the strength of the expectant mother by bleeding, aperients, and low diet, a regimen which was carried on for months. The Princess, in fact, having been delivered of a dead son after a fifty hours' labour, afterwards succumbed to weakness.

On a diet of beef tea healthy men on the other hand speedily lose their strength. I have known patients live for many months without touching bread, because they could not eat baker's bread. These were mostly country patients, but not all. Home-made bread or brown bread is a most important article of diet for many patients. The use of aperients may be entirely superseded by it.

Variety of diet, then, is good for a child: it will give him muscle, bone, and sinew; and, what is very important, it will tend to regulate his bowels, and it will thus prevent the necessity of giving him aperients. But do not stuff a child do not press him, as is the wont of some mothers, to eat more than he feels inclined.