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The moral of this is too obvious for me to need insist upon it. Cold to the head, low diet, aperients, possibly leeches, are needed in the one case; increased nourishment, perhaps stimulants, in the other.

The bathings, lotions, and aperients were continued, with very few intermissions, until the 14th day, when the muscles began to be a little relaxed; but he cried whenever he was touched. On the 15th, for the first time, he began to eat a little, and his natural voice returned; still, however, the spasms occasionally appeared, but very much mitigated, and on the 20th the pain had entirely ceased.

Do not depress the system by aperients, for diphtheria is an awfully depressing complaint of itself, the patient, in point of fact, is labouring under the depressing effects of poison, for the blood has been poisoned either by the drinking water being contaminated by faecal matter from either a privy or from a water-closet, by some horrid drain, by proximity to a pig-sty, by an overflowing privy, especially if vegetable matter be rotting at the same time in it, by bad ventilation, or by contagion.

What are the best aperients for a child? If it be actually necessary to give him opening medicine, one or two tea-spoonfuls of Syrup of Senna, repeated, if necessary, in four hours, will generally answer the purpose; or, for a change, one or two tea-spoonfuls of Castor Oil may be substituted. The dose is half or one tea-spoonful early in the morning occasionally.

There are indeed aperients which do more than this, as grey powder and calomel act upon the liver, and so by promoting an increased flow of bile cause a more permanent excitement of the bowels, and consequently their more prolonged activity; or as Epsom salts or citrate of magnesia, which by their action on the blood cause a greater secretion or pouring out of fluid from the coats of the intestines, and in this way have in addition to their purgative property a special influence in abating various feverish conditions.

Upon my soul, as I stood on that dirty platform, in a milieu of advertisements of soap, boots, and aperients, I began to believe that Simon Fuge never had lived, that he was a mere illusion of his friends and his small public.

Easton mentions a young man who accidentally swallowed some artificial teeth the previous night, and, to further their passage through the bowel, he took a dose of castor oil. When seen he was suffering with pain in the stomach, and was advised to eat much heavy food and avoid aperients. The following day after several free movements he felt a sharp pain in the lower part of his back.

Aperients, by repetition, unlike water, increase the mischief tenfold, and cork them up most effectually; so that the bowels, in time, will not act without them! A mother before she gives an aperient to her child should ponder well upon what I have said upon the subject, it being a vital question, affecting, as it does, the well-being and the well-doing of her child.