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It is a remarkable fact, strongly insisted on by Hooker in regard to America, and by Alph. de Candolle in regard to Australia, that many more identical plants and allied forms have apparently migrated from the north to the south, than in a reversed direction. We see, however, a few southern vegetable forms on the mountains of Borneo and Abyssinia.

Nauplius of Tetraclita porosa after the first moult, magnified 90 diam. The entire series of Nauplius-stages which are passed through by the free Copepoda, are in this case completely over-leapt. Some ascribe to them a very subordinate position among the Copepoda; as Milne-Edwards . In direct opposition to this notion of his father's, Alph.

He has made a special study of these subterranean matters." "Don't you remember, papa, Coleridge's poem of Kubla Khan? "Where Alph, the sacred river, ran Through caverns measureless to man Down to a sunless sea!" "Our sacred river, when we find it, shall be named Miriam." "It ought to be Kamaiakan," she rejoined; "for, if anybody finds it, it will be he."

In Xanadu did Kubla Khan A stately pleasure-dome decree: Where Alph, the sacred river, ran Through caverns measureless to man Down to a sunless sea. The child had inherited a love of beautiful sound, and, though she understood nothing of the meaning, the music charmed her, and she nestled close to her father, with wide eyes. "Say some more, Daddy."

The fact of the larger fruits often floating longer than the small, is interesting; as plants with large seeds or fruit which, as Alph. de Candolle has shown, generally have restricted ranges, could hardly be transported by any other means. Seeds may be occasionally transported in another manner.

This fact, together with the seeds and eggs of many low forms being very minute and better fitted for distant transportation, probably accounts for a law which has long been observed, and which has lately been admirably discussed by Alph. de Candolle in regard to plants, namely, that the lower any group of organisms is, the more widely it is apt to range.

Davis, J.B., on the capacity of the skull in various races of men; on the beards of the Polynesians. Death's Head Sphinx. Death-rate higher in towns than in rural districts. Death-tick. De Candolle, Alph., on a case of inherited power of moving the scalp. Declensions, origin of. Decoration in birds. Decticus.

The attribution of these frescoes to Melchior Broederlam does not, it would seem, accord with the style or the date of their production, M. Alph. van den Peereboom thinks, and he gives credit for the work to two painters who worked in Ypres in 1468 MM. Pennant and Floris Untenhoven.

The whole poem came to Coleridge one morning when he had fallen asleep over Purchas, and upon awakening he began to write hastily, In Xanadu did Kubla Khan A stately pleasure-dome decree: Where Alph, the sacred river, ran Through caverns measureless to man Down to a sunless sea. He was interrupted after fifty-four lines were written, and he never finished the poem.

This is strikingly illustrated, according to Alph. de Candolle, in those large groups of terrestrial plants, which have very few aquatic members; for the latter seem immediately to acquire, as if in consequence, a wide range. I think favourable means of dispersal explain this fact. I have before mentioned that earth occasionally adheres in some quantity to the feet and beaks of birds.