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The doves that cooed and clucked, flew away and returned to the cote beside him, could now do as they chose, their guardian neither saw nor heard them. Allertssohn, the fencing-master, ascended the ladder to his watch-tower, but he did not notice him until he stood on the balcony by his side, greeting him with his deep voice. "Where have we been, Herr Wilhelm?" asked the old man.

If you want to act wisely, follow the advice of Horace." "The Bible also teaches that 'sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof," added the pastor, and Captain Allertssohn exclaimed: "On my life, yes! My soldiers, the city-guard and volunteers must have their parade.

The man, whom the baron had called the fencing-master Allertssohn, had just perceived that the "Glippers" cloaks were hanging by the fire, while his friend's and his own were flung on a bench.

Maria, surprised, but entirely relieved, left her and sought her husband to tell him how she had found the invalid, and in what relation the Spanish officer, slain by Allertssohn, seemed to have stood to Henrica and her sister.

Here, landlord, who is the gentleman with brown hair and large eyes, talking to Allertssohn, the fencing-master?" "It's Herr Wilhelm, younger son of old Herr Cornelius, Receiver General, a player or musician, as they call them." "Eh, eh," cried the baron. "His father is one of my old Leyden acquaintances. He was a worthy, excellent man before the craze for liberty turned people's heads.

While ordering the waiter to bring him a mug of beer, Captain Allertssohn appeared with Junker von Warmond, who had taken part in the consultation at Peter Van der Werff's, and bravely earned his captain's sash two years before at the capture of Brill.

Allertssohn walked out of doors with a steady step, addressed his men in a few curt, vigorous words, ordered the drummers to beat their drums, while marching through the city, to rouse the people at the fair, placed himself at the head of his trusty little band, and led them towards the new Rhine.

Before the fencing-master had finished the last sentence, an armed man dashed the door open, shouting: "The light is raised at Leyderdorp!" At these words Allertssohn sprang from his chair as nimbly as a youth, drew himself up to his full height, adjusted his shoulder-belt and drew down his sash, exclaiming: "To the citadel, Hornist, and sound the call for assembling the troops.

The musician was speaking of Italy, and Allertssohn heard him exclaim impetuously: "Whoever has once seen that country can never forget it, and when I am sitting on the house-top with my doves, my thoughts only too often fly far away with them, and my eyes no longer see our broad, monotonous plains and grey, misty sky." "Oh! ho!

Here, landlord, who is the gentleman with brown hair and large eyes, talking to Allertssohn, the fencing-master?" "It's Herr Wilhelm, younger son of old Herr Cornelius, Receiver General, a player or musician, as they call them." "Eh, eh," cried the baron. "His father is one of my old Leyden acquaintances. He was a worthy, excellent man before the craze for liberty turned people's heads.