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They are earnestly enjoined against these errors and that they must seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness.” Also through all kinds of reforms we seek to set the wayfarer on the right path that leads to the original ideal. It appears that the alchemistic preparation of theworkis available only for the smallest circles. The multitude is blinded. “Where do the Scottish masters stay?”

Previously only the head of the lion is gold, his future. Later he becomes a red lion, the philosopher’s stone, the king in robe of purple. The lion that must die is the dragon, which the dragon fighter kills. Thus we have seen it in the mythological parallel. It is now very interesting that the alchemistic symbolism interchanges the same forms. We shall see that again.

Happiness arises only at a certain point, and seems to me like a fruit ripened in the meantime. The most subtle representatives of this doctrine among the alchemists are not so far, after all, from the Kantian ethics. Alchemistic ethics presupposes that there is an education, an ennobling of the will.

Very clearly mystical are the writings of a number of hermetic artists, who are permeated by the spiritual doctrine of Jacob Boehme. This theosophist makes such full use of the alchemistic symbolism, that we find it wherever we open his writings.

The much discussed elementary types have therefore insinuated themselves into the body of the alchemistic hieroglyphics, as mankind, confronted with the riddles of physico-chemical facts, struggled to express a mastery of them by means of thought. The typical inventory of powers, as an apperception mass, so to speak, helped to determine the selection of symbols.

The wanderer picks roses and puts them in his hat, a mark of honor. They are plucked in thealchemistic paradise,” but one must set about it in obedience to nature.

It is easy to show the possibility that many a duffer was led toward the production of the homunculus by erroneous interpretation of the procreation symbolism occurring in the alchemistic writings. It was merely necessary, in their limitations, to take literally one or another of the methods. In this way there actually occurred the most ludicrous blunders.

These beautiful and straightforward words could just as well stand in an alchemistic discussion on the terrestrial and celestial. The reader can draw his own conclusions. I am now here to unseal for thee the treasures of the deepest wisdom of God, and to be to thee even that which Rebecca was to her son Jacob, namely, a true, natural mother.

The concept stone is the parting of the ways for two symbol groups of similar meaning, both of which Jane Leade uses. In the preparation of the stone, the alchemistic as well as the building stone, it depends on the clearing away of the disturbing elements, not on ornamentation. Crystallization produces the regular form; fixation, the density.

Fortunately I need not regard it as my duty to explain the parable so completely in the alchemistic sense that any one could work according to it in a chemical laboratory. It is much more suitable to our purpose if I show in general outline only how we must arrange the leading forms and processes of the parable to accord with the mode of thinking peculiar to alchemy.