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"O musha, Masther Phil agrah! but this will be the great day intirely, when I send off the news, which I would, barrin' I can't write, to the lady your mother and your sisters at Castle Fogarty; and 'tis his Riv'rence Father Luke will jump for joy thin, when he reads the letther!

"Go between his legs, agrah," said the smith, "his hinder legs;" and he again showed his fang. "I dare not," said I, "he would kill me." "He would kill ye! and how do ye know that, agrah?" "I feel he would," said I, "something tells me so."

‘Are ye not afraid of that beast?’ said the smith, showing his fang. ‘Arrah, it’s vicious that he looks!’ ‘It’s at you, then!—I don’t fear him’; and thereupon I passed under the horse, between its hind legs. ‘And is that all you can do, agrah?’ said the smith. ‘No,’ said I, ‘I can ride him.’ ‘Ye can ride him, and what else, agrah?’ ‘I can leap him over a six-foot wall,’ said I.

Is it, 'Romans, counthrymin, and lovers?" "No, shir; yarrah, didn't I spake that speech before?" "No, you didn't, you fairy. Ah, Dan, little as you are, you take credit for more than ever you spoke, Dan, agrah; but, faith, the same thrick will come agin you some time or other, avick!

On the 29th over a dozen villages in the plains were destroyed without the loss of a single life. On the 30th the tale ran somewhat differently. The village of Agrah adjoins the village of Zagai, the capture of which has already been recorded. It stood in a broad re-entrant of the mountains, and amid ground so tangled and broken, that to move over it is difficult, and to describe it impossible.

The smith went up to it, coaxed and patted it, making use of various sounds of equine endearment; then turning to me, and holding out once more the grimy hand, he said, ‘And now ye will be giving me the Sassannach tenpence, agrah?’ From the wild scenes which I have attempted to describe in the latter pages I must now transport the reader to others of a widely different character.

Pat's face suddenly changed; his eyes flashed, and his voice shook when next he spoke, though he endeavoured to assume a casual air. "An' was it smokin' alongside o' the rick you were, Judy? When was that, agrah?" "Sure, it was the very night I lost me pipe," replied Judy. "Roseen bid me go out an' watch for Mike an' tell him the Masther had her locked in an' she couldn't get out to spake to him."

"You know that the ould boy asks every body afore he gives any praties, if they belong to St. Patrick; well, is it a hard matter to tell him we do, agrah?" "Sure you'd be telling a lie, Paddy!" "Never mind that," said Paddy, "I'll spake."

‘Over a wall, and what more, agrah?’ ‘Nothing more,’ said I; ‘what more would you have?’ ‘Can you do this, agrah?’ said the smith; and he uttered a word which I had never heard before, in a sharp pungent tone.

The smith went up to it, coaxed and patted it, making use of various sounds of equine endearment; then turning to me, and holding out once more the grimy hand, he said, 'And now ye will be giving me the Sassannach tenpence, agrah?