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It afflicts me less to hear my sons talk about 'brailing up the foresail' than doing as they 'darn please, and 'cut your cable' is decidedly preferable to 'let her rip. I once made a rule that I would have no slang in the house. I give it up now, for I cannot keep it; but I will not have rubbishy books; so, Archie, please send these two after your cigars." Mrs.

But it must be some consolation to know that nothing else in the world gives half as much pleasure to so many people. A curious vertigo afflicts the mind of the house-hunter.

And, as a further consequence of the scalene arrangement of things, it happens that the stranger in Washington, however civic his birth and education may have been, is always unconsciously performing those military evolutions styled marching to the right or left oblique, acquiring thereby, it is said, that obliquity of the moral vision which sooner or later afflicts every human being who inhabits this strange, lop-sided city-village.

He suffered in a remarkable degree from that mental disease which afflicts Italians the worship of the fetish of words which mean little, and are supposed to mean much, of names in history which have been exalted by the rhetoric of demagogues from the obscurity to which they had been wisely consigned by the judgment of scholars.

But there was no look calculated to reassure her; all it seemed to say was, "It is not only your reserve which afflicts me." "What is it, then?" asked the young girl. "Perhaps you think I shall abandon you, dear grandpapa, and that I shall forget you when I am married?" "No." "They told you, then, that M. d'Epinay consented to our all living together?" "Yes."

The heart of woman may be said to be the source from which flows all the good or evil that consoles or afflicts mankind.

But when we have exerted ourselves reasonably and lawfully to rid our lives of that which afflicts us, and still it persists, there can be no further doubt that it is the will of God that we should patiently and submissively accept our condition and our cross.

"If I could have been troubled at anything, when I had the happiness of receiving a letter from you," she writes to him on one occasion when he had absented himself from her for long, "I should be so because you did not name a time when I might hope to see you, the uncertainty of which very much afflicts me."

Her sacred picture is normally in her sanctuary down at Custonaci, about 15 kilometres distant, but when any general calamity afflicts the district, it is brought up to the Matrice or Mother Church of the comune on Mount Eryx.

Life's exigencies, ever harsher as progress afflicts us with its increasing needs, have changed all that. A fig for correct language! Business before all! This modern hurry would have suited my impatience. I confess that I fumed against the regulation which forced Latin and Greek upon me before allowing me to open up relations with the sine and cosine.