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Updated: August 23, 2024

"And she'd like to hear from me." And he took off his hat, and fanned his burning face. THE self-sufficient, self-reliant Shorty had never before had anything to so completely daze him. "Ackchelly a letter from Maria Klegg. Writ of her own free will and accord.

Don't flatter yourself, Sammy my lad! Not by no means it ain't. I wouldn't like to have to stand up to all I could ackchelly bear. It's God, not us, knows how much we can stand, an' when He gets in the good licks on us, He always leaves us with a little stren'th to spare to last over for the next time. Now, I'm not a bit broke down by what you've told me.

"But, of course, you don't mean you'd ackchelly refuse the young lady shelter a night like this, if she come to you, open an' honest, an' said she hadn't the price by her just at present, but she would have it sooner or later, an' then you'd be squared every cent. You wouldn't turn her down if she said that, would you?" "Say, Mrs. Slawson, or whatever your name is," broke in Mrs.

What takes my time, though, is the way you ackchelly seem to be meanin' what you say! Why, I wouldn't turn a dog out a night like this, an' you'd let a delicate young girl go into the drivin' storm, a stranger, without a place to lay her head that is, for all you know. I could bet my life, without knowin' a thing about it, that the good Lord never let you have a daughter of your own.

Ven you dell me how it iss I could make eferyting more smoother for him, I do it!" "That's eggsackly the trouble," proclaimed Mrs. Slawson conclusively. "You make 'em too smooth. You make 'em so smooth, they're ackchelly slippery. No wonder the poor fella falls down. No man wants to spend all his life skatin' round, doin' fancy-figger stunts, because his wife's a dummy.

But that they're ackchelly shopworn, or what's called 'seconds, or put on the As Is counter because they're cracked, or broke, or otherwise slightly disfigured, but still in the ring why, that never seems to percolate through their brains, like those coffee-pots they use nowadays, that don't make no better coffee than the old kind, if you know how to do it good, in the first place.

But I never seen anybody so stuck on theirselves as them Army o' the Tennessee fellers. Just because they took Vicksburg " "With all the navy to help 'em," interjected Si. "Yes, with more gunboats than we have army wagons. They think they know more about soljerin than anybody else in the world, and ackchelly want to give us p'ints as to how to git away with the rebels."

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