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Updated: August 15, 2024

IX. When Abenmazot saw that the King was bent upon destroying him, and that every day he prest him more and more, he sent to Abenalfange who was King of Denia and Tortosa, saying, that if he would come and help him, he would make him Lord of Xativa and of all his other Castles, and would be at his mercy; and this he did to escape from the hands of Yahia.

Then was there a brave battle, and many were slain; but my Cid won the day, and King Abenalfange fled, and King Don Pedro was taken prisoner, and many of his Counts and knights with him.

But they went forward, and Yahia thinking that if he could conquer them he should be secure, went out and fought against them; and he was defeated and lost a great part of his people and of his arms, and returned into the city with great loss. When Abenalfange, who was a day's journey off, heard this, he marched all night, and came before Valencia.

X. Abenalfange abode some days in Xativa, and then moved on towards Valencia, thinking to win the city; for he knew how greatly the people were oppressed because of the Christians, and that they could not bear it, and that there was no love between them and their Lord.

That was a hard battle and well fought on both sides, and much blood was shed, for many good knights on either party were in the field; howbeit he of good fortune won the day at last, he who never was conquered. King Abenalfange and Count Ramon and most of the others fled, and my Cid followed, smiting and slaying for three leagues; and many good Christian knights were made prisoners.

Then Abenalfange gathered together all his host and his cavalry, and brought with him Giralte the Roman, with a company of French knights, and came towards Xativa, as a hungry lion goes against a sheep, or like the coming of a flood in its hour; so that Vahia was dismayed at the tidings of his approach, and fled as fast as he could to the Isle of Xucar, and though that Isle was so near, he thought he had done a great thing; and from thence he went to Valencia, holding himself greatly dishonoured.

When you were with him you spake contumeliously of me before him, saying of me the worst you could, and affirming that I did not dare enter the lands of Abenalfange for fear of you.

The King of Valencia with his knights was near the wall watching him, and Alvar Fanez and his company were in readiness lest the French should defy them. And after Abenalfange had staid their awhile he drew off and went his way to Tortosa.

God, how joyful was my Cid with the fleecy beard, that Minaya had purchased the thousand masses, and had brought him the biddings of his wife and daughters! God, what a joyful man was he! Now it came to pass that the days of King Almudafar were fulfilled: and he left his two sons Zulema and Abenalfange, and Zulema had the kingdom of Zaragoza, and Abenalfange the kingdom of Denia.

Then Alvar Fanez made an inroad into the lands of Abenalfange, and overran the lands of Buriana, and other parts; and there went with him a great company of those Moorish desperadoes who had joined him, and of other Moorish Almogavares, and they stormed towns and castles, and slew many Moors, and brought away flocks and herds both of cattle and of brood mares, and much gold and silver, and store of wearing apparel, all which they sold in Valencia.

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