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Updated: August 13, 2024

"Why, because everything fits too well... it's too melodramatic." "A-ach!" Razumihin was exclaiming, but at that moment the door opened and a personage came in who was a stranger to all present. This was a gentleman no longer young, of a stiff and portly appearance, and a cautious and sour countenance.

But you might think of your sister Charlotte," Mamma said. Papa's beard jerked. He drew in his breath with a savage guttural noise. "A-ach! What's the good of talking?" He had gone on eating all the time. There was a great pile of chicken bones on his plate. Aunt Lavvy turned.

"I am the murderer.... I want to give evidence," Nikolay pronounced. "Ach! What did you kill them with?" "An axe. I had it ready." "Ach, he is in a hurry! Alone?" Nikolay did not understand the question. "Did you do it alone?" "Yes, alone. And Mitka is not guilty and had no share in it." "Don't be in a hurry about Mitka! A-ach! How was it you ran downstairs like that at the time?

"A famous eel-pout," mutters Yefim, scratching under his shoulder-blades. "I'll be bound it weighs ten pounds." "Mm! . . . Yes," the master assents. "The liver is fairly swollen! It seems to stand out! A-ach!"

You said yesterday you were not delirious, you were particularly emphatic about it! I understand all you can tell me! A-ach!... Listen, Rodion Romanovitch, my dear fellow. If you were actually a criminal, or were somehow mixed up in this damnable business, would you insist that you were not delirious but in full possession of your faculties? And so emphatically and persistently?

And besides, there's a certain fact that has wound me up tremendously, but about that I... will keep quiet. Where are you off to?" he asked in alarm. Raskolnikov had begun getting up. He felt oppressed and stifled and, as it were, ill at ease at having come here. He felt convinced that Svidrigailov was the most worthless scoundrel on the face of the earth. "A-ach! Sit down, stay a little!"

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