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Might there not be furrow-field inspectors withal, to ascertain how, on 7s. 6d. a week, a human family does live? Again, are not sanitary regulations possible for a legislature? Baths, free air, a wholesome temperature, ceilings twenty feet high, might be ordained by Act of Parliament in all establishments licensed as mills. There are such mills already extant honour to the builders of them.

Their earnings are as low and often lower; their trade requires a far longer instruction, far greater skill and shrewdness; their rent and food are more expensive; and their hours of work, while they have work, more than half as long again. Conceive sixteen or eighteen hours of skilled labour in a stifling and fetid chamber, earning not much more than 6s. 6d. or 7s. a week!

Further on large numbers of seats of different patterns were in process of manufacture, some of them for children, and other longer ones, with reversible backs, to be used in the numerous Army halls. Next I visited a room in which mattresses and mattress covers are made for the various Shelters, also the waterproof bunk bedding, which costs 7s. 9d. per cover.

Street has manifestly spent much pains. Of his introduction it remains to say that it is an excellent appreciation, notable for catholicity, discretion, and finesse: an admirable piece of work. Pall Mall Gazette. 'Two volumes of marvellous cheapness. Dublin Herald. THE ADVENTURES OF HAJJI BABA OF ISPAHAN. By JAMES MORIER. With an Introduction by E.G. BROWNE, M.A. and a Portrait. 2 vols. 7s.

There have been circulated since March 5, 1834, through the medium of this Institution, 18,201 Bibles, 11,502 Testaments, 458 copies of the Psalms, and 1,260 other small portions of the Holy Scriptures. The total amount of the funds of this Institution spent on the circulation of the Holy Scriptures, since March 5, 1834, is £4,407, 7s. 2½d. The amount spent during the past year, £521, 7s. 1½d.

The poetry is characterized by ease, tenderness, a chastened fancy, and a delicate susceptibility of whatever is beautiful in nature or charming in truth." Chambers. Shakspeare's Dramatic Works, The SAME EDITION, plain cloth, 7s. 6d. Longfellow's Poetical Works Complete,

He was nerving himself to refuse, when Levy, opening his pocket-book, glanced over the memoranda therein, and said, as to himself, "Rood Manor Dulmansberry, sold to the Thornhills by Sir Gilbert Leslie, knight of the shire; estimated present net rental L2,250 7s. 0d. It is the greatest bargain I ever knew.

During this year there was spent of the funds of the Institution, for missionary objects, the sum of £2,005, 7s. 5d. By this sum fifty-one laborers in the word and doctrine, in various parts of the world, were to a greater or less degree assisted. There was laid out for the circulation of tracts, from May 26, 1851, to May 26, 1852, the sum of £356, 11s. 3½d.

By RUDYARD KIPLING. Eighth Edition. Crown 8vo. 6s. A Special Presentation Edition, bound in white buckram, with extra gilt ornament. 7s. 6d. 'Mr. Kipling's verse is strong, vivid, full of character ... Unmistakable genius rings in every line. Times.

Those little trips to town paid very fairly. In this particular case his entire expenses reached exactly L5 3s., and what do you suppose was the good man's profit upon that small item? Precisely L62 7s.! The process is simple, Jos.