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Should pianists acquire a knowledge of the main feature in the construction of their instrument? How may variety in piano playing be achieved? How is phrasing related to breathing? Mrs. Fanny Bloomfield-Zeisler was born at Beilitz, Austrian Silesia, July 16, 1866. Two years later her parents took her to Chicago. Her first teachers in Chicago were Bernhard Ziehn and Carl Wolfsohn.

"Rings Stille herscht es schweigt der Wald, Vollendet ist des Tages Lauf; Der Vögleins Lied ist längst verhallt, Am Himmel ziehn die Sterne auf. Schlaf wohl, schlaf wohl, Und schliess die schönen Augen zu; Schlaf wohl, schlaf wohl, Du süsser, lieber Engel Du." She knew instantly who it must be.

It is the air of the country of the ideal to which we gladly entice the being we cherish, repeating with poor Mignon: DAHIN! DAHIN!... LASST UNS ZIEHN!

The green fields and meadows enamelled with painted flowers, how one detests them! how one would rejoice to see them well sprinkled with frost or burnt up to brown in the dry days! the birds, the birds which warble through every sonnet, canzone, sirventes, glosa, dance lay, roundelay, virelay, rondel, ballade, and whatsoever else it may be called, how one wishes them silent for ever, or their twitter, the tarantarantandei of the eternal German nightingale especially, drowned by a good howling wind J After any persistent study of mediæval poetry, one's feeling towards spring is just similar to that of the morbid creature in Schubert's "Müllerin," who would not stir from home for the dreadful, dreadful greenness, which he would fain bleach with tears, all around: Ich möchte ziehn in die Welt hinaus, hinaus in die weite Welt, Wenn's nur so grün, so grün nicht war da draussen in Wald und Feld.