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Updated: January 1, 2025

I took out of my pocket-book the list containing the numbers of the lost notes, and we left the house together immediately. It was not the first time that she and I had met over the same delicate investigation. The moment she set eyes on me she sent for her husband. I mentioned who Mr. Yatman was, and what we wanted. "This is strictly private?" inquires the husband. I nodded my head.

Yatman from other quarters, and the confirmation of them by his lodger had such an effect on his mind predisposed as it was to alarm by the experience of his former losses that he resolved to go at once to the bank and withdraw his deposit. It was then getting on toward the end of the afternoon, and he arrived just in time to receive his money before the bank closed.

He was also heard by the shopman at Rutherford Street to use a very shocking expression in reference to Mrs. Yatman, and was seen to clinch his fist vindictively as he ran round the corner of the street. Nothing more has been heard of him; and it is conjectured that he has left London with the intention of offering his valuable services to the provincial police.

Yes, it did mean last June; and she now deeply regretted to say that it had been accompanied by a threat of legal proceedings. "I thought you gave good customers more than three years' credit?" says I. The milliner looks at Mr. Yatman, and whispers to me, "Not when a lady's husband gets into difficulties." She pointed to the account as she spoke. The entries after the time when Mr.

Thus, while I am looking at Mr. Jay through my peep-hole, I can hear every word that may be spoken in his room through my pipe-hole. Perfect candor a virtue which I have possessed from my childhood compels me to acknowledge, before I go any further, that the ingenious notion of adding a pipe-hole to my proposed peep-hole originated with Mrs. Yatman.

Let me now return to business that is to say, to my peep-hole and my pipe-hole. I have enjoyed some hours of calm observation of Mr. Jay. Though rarely at home, as I understand from Mrs. Yatman, on ordinary occasions, he has been indoors the whole of this day. That is suspicious, to begin with. Like other debauched characters, he ate little or nothing for breakfast.

I was sorely tempted to follow "sleepy-head," but, on reflection, considered it safest still to keep my eye on the proceedings of Mr. Jay. In half an hour's time he put on his hat and walked out. Of course I put on my hat and walked out also. As I went downstairs I passed Mrs. Yatman going up. The lady has been kind enough to undertake, by previous arrangement between us, to search Mr.

This lady a most intelligent and accomplished person, simple, and yet distinguished in her manners, has entered into all my little plans with an enthusiasm and intelligence which I cannot too highly praise. Mr. Yatman is so cast down by his loss that he is quite incapable of affording me any assistance. Mrs.

"I am afraid, ma'am," says I, "that you have not hit on any little criminating discovery in the lodger's room?" She shook her head and sighed. It was a soft, languid, fluttering sigh and, upon my life, it quite upset me. For the moment I forgot business, and burned with envy of Mr. Yatman. "Don't despair, ma'am," I said, with an insinuating mildness which seemed to touch her.

Whether Mrs. Yatman will come cleverly out of the scrape or not seems doubtful. I should say myself that she would go into screeching hysterics, and so frighten the poor man into forgiving her. But this is no business of ours. So far as we are concerned, the case is now at an end, and the present report may come to a conclusion along with it. I remain, accordingly, yours to command,

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