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No marvel was there in Olive's dislike; yet she regretted having shown it. "Mr. Wyld, I thought it was my father. I am sorry that he is not at home to receive you." "Nay, I did not come to see Captain Rothesay," answered the lawyer, betraying some confusion and hesitation beneath his usual smooth manner. "The fact is, my dear young lady, I bring a letter for your mother."

Leaving the new quarter, I penetrated by degrees into the chaos of the old streets, and soon I had before my eyes a characteristic, picturesque Hamburg; a genuine old city with a medieval stamp which would delight Bonington, Isabey or William Wyld. I walked slowly, stopping at every street-corner that I might lose no detail of the picture; and rarely has any promenade amused me so well.

Dick shook his head with a rueful air, in which it was impossible not to see a touch of the comic, notwithstanding his despair. "This is precisely why he wants your opinion, that is, some one's opinion for of course he has not the honour of knowing you." "Hasn't he? Ah! I began to think I remembered something about your Tom or was it Dick Wyld? Tom Wyld I think I have heard the name."

The long conversations I had with M. Ouvrard on all sorts of subjects, in addition to my daily lessons from masters, got me forward with surprising rapidity. I observed a strict rule of abstinence from English, never calling on any English people, with the single exception of Mr. Wyld, the painter, nor reading any English books.

"Tell me only that my father died unblemished in honour that there are none to share misfortune with us, and to curse the memory of the ruined merchant." "I know of none," answered Mr. Wyld. "True, there are still remaining many private debts, but they may be easily paid." And he cast a meaning glance round the luxuriously furnished room. "I understand. It shall be done," said Olive.