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Blue Jeans had pounced upon the query with sensations of deliverance. "Wel-l-l," and he named a figure which struck him as outrageous. But it hadn't staggered the professor; it hadn't even made him hesitate. The professor's expenses in the field were already guaranteed, back home, by men who could afford it. "Then it's settled," he had said.

"Oh, Janice, I can't. My mother wouldn't let me." "I'm going to make her let you. I'm going to beg her on my knees!" declared Janice, laughing. "Do get into it, Amy, and see if it fits you. "Wel-l-l!" It did. There was no doubt but that Amy was just a wee bit smaller than Janice and that the frocks were an almost perfect fit. "But but to take a whole new dress from you a gift! Oh, Janice!

He glanced challengingly across the table at Wally, whose grin was growing rather pronounced. "Huh. Mebbyso you boss all same this ranch?" Peppajee retorted sourly. "Mebbyso Peacefu' tellum, him no likum." Peaceful, thus drawn into the discussion, cleared his throat again. "Wel-l-l WE don't cuss much before the women," he admitted apologetically "We kinda consider that men's talk.

Westover, if I'd made that fellow toe the mark any way, I'd be afraid of him." Whitwell looked at Westover with eyes of significance, if not of confidence. Then he rose with a prolonged "M wel-l-l! We're all born, but we a'n't all buried. This world is a queer place. But I guess Jeff 'll come out right in the end."

After a time Allison raised quizzical eyes to Caleb's face. "Wel-l-l?" he intoned, and with a little reluctance as reasonless as it was unnoticed, Caleb answered the inferred question. "This this is a little friend of mine, Dexter," he said, "down from the hills. He's in to have a look at the city which you have been so instrumental in arousing to its present state of teeming activity.

But having cornered her at last I put the question bluntly. "What about that career?" I wanted to know. "There's a crying need just now for good senators plain statesmanship handled neatly." She colored a little. "Wel-l-l," she was going to slide out of it if she could, "Perry's awfully busy right now, it's so hard to get trustworthy men.