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"I thought you were fishing," remarked Glenn. "So I am," replied Joe; "and I've had the greatest luck you ever heard of." "Well, tell me your success." "I had a bite," continued he, "in less than three minutes after I threw in my hook. It was a wapper! When he took hold I let him play about awhile with a slack line, to be certain and get it well fixed in his mouth.

"Then, where was your great success?" demanded Glenn. "It was a noble bite," said Joe. "But you were the bitten one," remarked Glenn, scanning Joe's visage, which began to assume a disconsolate cast. "If I'd only been thinking about such a wapper, and had been on my guard," said Joe, "splash me if he should ever have got my rod away in that manner I'd have taken a ducking first!"

"What's the matter?" demanded Glenn. "It was a wapper!" said Joe. "What was?" "The fish." "Where?" asked Glenn. "I'll tell you. I dreamt I was sitting on a rock, down at the ferry, with this rod in my hand, fishing for perch, when a thundering big catfish, as long as I am, took hold.

"Throw these here two aftermost guns overboard," said the captain; "I guess we are too deep abaft, and they would not be of much use to us in the way of defence, for this is a wapper that's after us." The guns in a few minutes were sent to their last rest; and for the next half-hour the enemy gained less upon them.

The Swash carried a wapper of a fore-and-aft mainsail, and, what is more, it was fitted with a standing gaff, for appearance in port. At sea, Spike knew better than to trust to this arrangement; but in fine weather, and close in with the land, he found it convenient to have this sail haul out and brail like a ship's spanker.

"'Don't fire! and 'take your time," said R ; "but what do you see?" "Look there! don't you see him close to that old stump?" "Oh! ah! now I do. By Jove! he's a wapper!" "Where are those fellows?" asked P , glancing round.

"And a wapper, too; when I first saw it I thought it was a rabbit, and now it's bigger than a deer, and still a mile or two off," said Joe. "We'll wait a few minutes, and see what it is," replied Glenn, checking his steed, which had proceeded a few steps downward.

"Then what made you tell that wapper for, the other night, about cutting that Indian's throat?" "How do you know it was a wapper?" asked Joe, somewhat what embarrassed by Sneak's home-thrust. "Bekaise, don't I know that I cut his juggler-vein myself? Didn't the blood gush all over me? and didn't he fall down dead before he had time to holler?" continued Sneak, with much warmth and earnestness.