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Turning to the Kangaroo especially, it continued. "If you can bring yourself to speak to anything so obtrusive and gossiping, without any ancestry or manners whatever, you will be able to learn all you need from that bird. Humans and Wagtails fraternise together. They're both post-glacial." "I knew you could advise me," said the Kangaroo, gratefully. "Oh!

There was a space of silence: presently a red squirrel came out overhead and darted along the limbs; the ragged bark of the tree in front of them was suddenly full of creeping things, busily hurrying up and down; the coffee-colored water of the brook at their feet began to glance with silvery flashes of minnows and wagtails; out of a miniature hill came a long procession of ants; they marched, deployed, disappeared, and came again; monster spiders, like lumps of glittering enamel, swung in the air by invisible threads; two black beetles rose to view by Neckart's foot, rolling a white ball twice as big as themselves toward a flicker of clear sunshine on the grass.

Cow-birds wage war on the parasites of mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep, hopping about the fields and dropping down on to their backs: they are never shot. Morocco is by no means short of bird life. Only that morning, as we rode along, we saw several pairs of whinchats, any number of crested larks, some plover, pied and grey wagtails, starlings, and a sand-martin.

MacCulloch, however, writes me word that in some years they i.e., Yellow Wagtails are not very uncommon, but of late, for some reason or other, Wagtails of all sorts have become rare. He adds "I am under the impression that we have more than one Yellow Wagtail."

Then the wagtails began to build again, without troubling themselves any more about nature's many wonders.

Probably what I had overheard was nothing more than a rehearsal. Within a week or two he would need to do his very best in winning the fair one of his choice, and for that supreme moment he had already put himself in training. The wise-hearted and obliging little beau! I must have been the veriest churl not to wish him his pick of all the feminine wagtails in the wood.

Wagtail, Ray's, arrival of the male before the female. Wagtails, Indian, young of. Waist, proportions of, in soldiers and sailors.

The collection of British birds includes the Birds of Prey, as the hawks; the eagles; and the owls: the Perching Birds, as the swallows; kingfishers; thrushes; butcher birds; rollers; and wagtails: the Scraping Birds, as pheasants; pigeons; quails; partridges; and guinea-fowls: the Wading Birds, including the woodcock; snipes; herons; sandpipers; storks; &c.: and the Web-footed Birds, including swans; ducks, and sea ducks; grebes; divers; auks; petrels; gulls; gannets; cormorants; &c.

Turning to the Kangaroo especially, it continued, "If you can bring yourself to speak to anything so obtrusive and gossiping, without any ancestry or manners whatever, you will be able to learn all you need from that bird. Humans and Wagtails fraternise together. They're both post-glacial." "I knew you could advise me," said the Kangaroo gratefully. "Oh!

"Spring set in and the birds came back frae beyont the sea, swallows and yallow wagtails and sandpipers; the meadows were breet wi' paigles, and the childer gethered bluebells and lilies o' the valley i' the woods for Whissuntide, and iverything went on same as afore. We had a good lambing time, and a good hay harvest at efter. I kept Jerry under my eye all the while, and nowt went wrang wi' him.