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Take a portion of the liquid, evaporate to dryness, and incinerate; a sulphate, if present, will be obtained, and may be tested. Caution. Sulphuric acid may not be found even after large doses, due to treatment, vomiting, or survival for several days. In all cases every organ should be examined. Vomited matters and contents of stomach should not be mixed, but each separately examined.

"Do you say that the Lord gave him riches? Behold him! he swallowed them down, but has he not vomited them up? Examine him! that which he took by extortions has he not been made to restore? Does God's anger smoke against him? Answer me, yes or no!" Like a bolt out of the sky there came a great shout of "Yes!"

A thousand cannon vomited death all day. Under the smoke a quarter of a million of men struggled like tigers. At nightfall the French had the field. The defeated Russians hung sullenly around the arena where they had left more than 40,000 of their dead and wounded. The Frence losses were almost equally appalling. "Sire," said Marshal Ney, "we would better withdraw and reform."

She poured out a glass for each of us, and we drank to each other's good health. In about half an hour I became very sick; I vomited and retched terribly, while my bowels seemed to be on fire. The weather was very warm, and I attributed my illness to some fruit I had eaten, which the ale had disagreed with.

It can be forced into action, however, by the singular method of dropping a bar of soap down the orifice, when a tremendous rush of steam and water is vomited out with terrific force.

The promontory has all the marks of volcanic eruption, and is actually recorded, by an Arab historian of the tenth century, to have been thrown up about that period. "Its sound, like the rumbling of thunder, might then be heard many miles, and from its entrails vomited forth redhot stones, with a flood of liquid fire."

The fissures vomited them! Globes and cubes and pyramids not small like those of the ruins, but shapes all of four feet high, dully lustrous, and deep within that luster the myriads of tiny points of light like unwinking, staring eyes. They swirled, eddied and formed a barricade between us and the armored men. Down upon them poured a shower of arrows from the soldiers.

It vomited forth smoke, and steam, and flames, every moment it seemed as if the woodwork of the carriages immediately behind and beneath would catch fire. The front coaches were, as the guard had put it, 'match-boxed. They were nothing but a heap of debris, telescoped into one another in a state of apparently inextricable confusion.

Men stood under the face of imminent ruin over them a frowning sheer wall of bristling logs, behind which pressed the weight of the rising waters and hacked and tugged calmly until the mass began to stir. Then they escaped. A moment later, with a roar, the jam vomited down on the spot where they had stood. It was dangerous work.

They did not save the matters vomited: they did not save the secretions, which would certainly have contained antimony if Mr. Van Ness had been poisoned as alleged. According to their testimony, Mr. Van Ness received six doses of poison on as many different days, four of the doses administered under their eyes; yet they gave no warning to the unfortunate victim or to his friends.