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became a luminous beacon, to attract the vilest characters to seek newness of life; and if there be hope for them, no one ought to despair. Far be it from us to cloud this light, or to tarnish so conspicuous an example. Like a Magdalene or a thief on the cross, his case may be exhibited to encourage hope in every returning prodigal.

But corruptio optimi pessima, and as the employment of wisdom for the benefit of mankind as, for instance, curing the sick, physically and morally is the highest, so the use of any abnormal power for the advantage of self is the vilest sin that man can commit.

Sir Victor answers, in a voice that makes his wife jump and his son cry. "Yes there is. I wouldn't own a dog if Juan Catheron had owned him before me. To look at him, is pollution enough to know him disgrace!" "Victor! Disgrace!" "Disgrace, Ethel! He is one of the vilest, most profligate, most lost wretches that ever disgraced a good name.

As to his other two servants, they got together all his belongings, and ran off. Antiphilus had now lain long in captivity. He was looked upon as the vilest criminal of all in the prison; and the native gaoler, a superstitious man, considered that he was avenging the God's wrongs and securing his favour by harsh treatment of Antiphilus.

He was not wont to boast of his pedigree until in later life, being assailed by vilest slander, all his kindred nearest or most remote being charged with every possible and unmentionable crime, and himself stigmatized as sprung from the lowest kennels of humanity as if thereby his private character and public services could be more legitimately blackened he was stung into exhibiting to the world the purity and antiquity of his escutcheon, and a roll of respectably placed, well estated, and authentically noble, if not at all illustrious, forefathers in his country's records of the previous centuries.

Do your worst!" "Do you, madame? Then, by Heaven, I accept your challenge! The law of divorce shall set me free from the vilest wife man ever was cursed with!" She gave a gasping cry, her face ghastly white. "Carl Walraven, you would not dare!" "Would I not?" with a harsh laugh. "We shall see. You don't know what Carl Walraven is capable of yet, I see." "Wait! wait! wait!"

The hands which were once like the spirit within, were now not unfrequently joined in the dance, with the vilest of the vile! I looked, too, at his external circumstances Once he had friends whom he loved to see, and from whom he was glad to hear. Now it was a matter of indifference both to him and them whether they ever saw each other.

Another had killed forever the vilest den in town, a saloon back-room where vicious women gathered in young boys and taught them to snuff cocaine, and had led to an anti-cocaine ordinance, which the saloon element, who instinctively resented any species of "reform" as a threat against business, opposed.

Soon after the ninth of Thermidor, two of the vilest of mankind, Fouquier Tinville, whom Barere had placed at the Revolutionary Tribunal, and Lebon, whom Barere had defended in the Convention, were placed under arrest. A third miscreant soon shared their fate, Carrier, the tyrant of Nantes.

"The felicity of the Queen was too great not to be soon overcast. The unbounded influence of the De Polignacs was now at its zenith. It could not fail of being attacked. Every engine of malice, envy, and detraction was let loose; and, in the vilest calumnies against the character of the Duchess, her royal mistress was included.