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The doors were bolted, and the two inmates of the apartment talked in whispers. "You understand your instructions?" "Yes, Excellency." "Repeat them." "I take the boat to-morrow go to Vencata. Keep watch upon the Americano the one whose name I have here." "John Derby, yes. But he is very big a giant. Make no mistake, find the one who is the padrone! And ? Continue!"

I quite agree with the Archbishop of Vencata that you must be a miracle worker!" Her voice was a little tremulous as she broke off. Then, including the marchese also, she added: "But now, my good, kind friends, go, please, and get Sandro out of his situation. My poor boy must be in a terrible state of nerves. And thank you both again!"

In the meantime he and the engineers and the carpenters from Vencata Minore had worked day and night getting up the scaffolding for the first well. The first boiler was set up in a shanty, and pens were hammered together to hold the molten sulphur. From the moment of Derby's arrival in the Vencata mines, the carabinieri kept him under the closest guard and accompanied him wherever he went.

He felt sure that as their bodies were put in something like human condition, their intellects must follow. The carabinieri protested that he would be making a needless target of himself should he attempt to ride alone in the early dawn from the village of Vencata Minore to the mines. The road led between rocks and underbrush where a man might hide with perfect safety.

Even the princess drew nearer and laid her hand on her husband's arm as Derby made his explanation. Sansevero trembled with excitement. "But according to that," he cried, turning to his wife; "our mine would be practicable!" Then to Derby: "I ought to explain to you that we have a sulphur mine in Sicily, near Vencata.