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"Now, Pole Star," she called out, when the horse had stopped for want of breath; "I's going to stand on you, and you must be vedy good." She patted the animal on its head; then she scrambled to her feet, and, holding the reins taut, stood firm as an arrow, while the creature once more flew round the stage. When her ride was over she had won the applause of the whole house.

Soon after the boy would sit down near the table in the morning and, fingering the Slavonic alphabet, repeat after his aunt: "Az, Buky, Vedy." When they reached "bra, vra, gra, dra" for a long time the boy could not read these syllables without laughter.

"Good boy!" called out Diana; "vedy good little boy. Good horse, G'eased Lightning! you is a vedy good horse. Now then, go faster." Diana gave the whip a crack. The horse looked at her out of his big, intelligent eyes, and began to trot, but still very gently, round and round the circus. "Good boy," repeated Diana; "good horse! Now then, Orion, get up on to yous two foots; don't be fwightened.

At last the children had finished the contents of their bowls, and rose solemnly to their feet. "Now," said Diana, going up to Mother Bridget, "I are vedy obliged to you; you has been kind; you has gived us good supper. We'll 'scuse 'bout the stwawberries and k'eam and the milk and cake, 'cos you didn't know that the other big woman told lots of lies. And now, p'ease, we are going home.

Here's a vedy nice piece of bwead." Orion did what Diana wished, but he could scarcely eat. Tears came suddenly into his eyes. "I wish I was dead, like poor Rub-a-Dub," he said, after a pause; "I wish I was lying in the beautiful garden, in the cemetery part with Rub-a-Dub." "Oh, don't be such a silly!" said Diana. "You has a lot to do afore you is deaded.

Even the thought of the strawberries and cream, and the milk and cake, could not compensate for the look on Mother Bridget's face. Diana, however, was not easily alarmed. "The stuff in the pot smells vedy good," she said, sniffing. "I could shoot lots of hares, 'cos I is the gweatest huntwess in all the world. I is Diana. Did you ever hear of Diana, ugly old woman?"