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"Uriel" is a poem which finds itself perilously near to the gulf of unsounded obscurity, and has, I doubt not, provoked the mirth of profane readers; but read in a lucid moment, it is just obscure enough and just significant enough to give the voltaic thrill which comes from the sudden contacts of the highest imaginative conceptions.

King Saul embodies, for instance, the conflict between ecclesiastical and temporal authority between the authority of the church and the claims of the thinker and the poet; Richard Savage that between the pride of noble birth and the promptings of the mother's heart; Werner , A White Leaf , and Ottfried , variations of the conflict between a man's duty and his vacillating, simultaneous love of two women; Patkul , the conflict between the hero's championship of truth and justice and the triumphant inertia of authority in the hands of a weak prince; Uriel Acosta , the best of the author's serious plays, embodies the tragic conflict between the hero's conviction of truth and his love for his mother and for his intended wife.

Jonathan's pale face seemed at that moment to float before her vision, and she feared to part with her husband, lest he should not return. "I am going to the enemy's camp." "Alone?" "No, not alone. I am well attended: Uriel goes before me, Raphael is on my right hand, Gabriel on my left, behind me Michael, and over my head Israel." "But you are going unarmed."

Leaving the groves on the right and passing over the prairie to the left, I had not gone far when a light was visible in the distance. On approaching, I found that I had reached Ceresco, where I was most hospitably entertained by Rev. Uriel Farmin, a Local Preacher and a member of the Association.

Uriel Acosta was given a document of confession of his errors to sign; he promised to live henceforward as a true Jew, and the ban was removed. On the Sabbath he went to the synagogue, and was called up to read in the Law. The elders came to shake him by the hand; a wave of emotion traversed the congregation.

"Never fear; when Charlie touches him with his spear, or sees him light on the top of Niphates one of which things will happen soon enough he'll not be slow to discover who he is. If not, I'll tell Walter, and he shall be Charlie's Uriel." "Touches him with his spear! what spear? top of Niphates!

Once he addressed a prayer to God, in which he complained of the misfortune of Israel and the prosperity of the heathen nations. Thereupon the angel Uriel appeared to him, and instructed him how that evil has its appointed time in which to run its course, as the dead have their appointed time to sojourn in the nether world.

A Night in the Openings. Rev. Uriel Farmin. Going to Conference. Madison. Visit at Platteville. Bishop Hamline. Humorous to Grave. Galena Conference. The work of the Mission was now well in hand. But already the field was becoming extended and the labor onerous. Thirteen regular preaching places had been established, and invitations were being received weekly to increase the number.

The blood spilled by the giants cried unto heaven from the ground, and the four archangels accused the fallen angels and their sons before God, whereupon He gave the following orders to them: Uriel was sent to Noah to announce to him that the earth would be destroyed by a flood, and to teach him how to save his own life.

In that old man's long waxed mustache, crimped hair, and threadbare finery the Congressman recognized Old Beau, the outcast gamester and mendicant, and the father of Joyce and Uriel Basil. "Colonel Reybold," faltered that old wreck of manly beauty and of promise long departed, "Old Beau's passing in his checks.