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"My brother," said Kari, "I have learned all that has passed and I give you praise who are the most daring among men and the first among warriors; you who slew the giant Urco with your naked hands." "And thus made your throne safe for you, Kari." "And thus made my throne safe for me. You also who clove Larico to the breast in the death-house of Upanqui, my father "

We heard that she had come safely to Cuzco and after that nothing more. Of her marriage there was no tidings; indeed she seemed to have vanished away. Certain of Huaracha's spies reported to him, however, that the great army which Urco had gathered to attack him had been partly disbanded, which seemed to show that the Inca no longer prepared for immediate war.

Inca Rocca, fifty-one years, from 1197 to 1249. 7. Yahuar-Capac, forty years, from 1249 to 1289. 8. Viracocha, fifty-one years, from 1289 to 1340; his son Inca Urco reigned after him eleven days, and was then deposedas a fool incapable of governing.” 9. Titu-Manco-Capac-Pachacutec, sixty years, from 1340 to 1400, living, says tradition, to be one hundred and three years old. 10.

And now let us talk no more of this matter, but rather of our plans against Urco, since in these at least, where no woman is concerned, I know that you will be faithful to me and I sorely need your help." So with a heavy heart I went back to the camp of Huaracha and told him Kari's words.

At length he spoke, saying: "Huaracha's watch is good, and to pass it I must journey far into the mountains and sleep three nights without food amid their snows." "Whence come you?" I asked. "From Cuzco, Lord." "Then what of the lady Quilla? Does she still live? Is she wed to Urco?" "She lives, or lived fourteen days ago, and she is not wed. But where she is no man may ever come.

I recovered from that bane and wandered to a far land. Now I have returned to take my own, if I am able. All that I say I can prove to you." For a while Huaracha stared at him astonished, then said: "And if you prove it, what do you ask of me, O Kari?" "The help of your armies to enable me to overthrow Urco, who is very strong, being the Commander of the Quichua hosts."

"And if your tale be true and Urco is overthrown, what do you promise me in return?" "The independence of the Chanca people, who otherwise must soon be destroyed, and certain other added territories which you covet, while I am Inca." "And with this my daughter, if she still lives?" asked Huaracha looking at him. "Nay," replied Kari firmly. "As to the lady Quilla I promise nothing.

He answered that he had no wish to fight against Kari who had offered him such honourable terms, especially when he was waging war against Urco whom he, Huaracha, hated, because he had striven to poison his daughter and dealt him a blow which he was sure would end in his death.

When the thousands of the dead had been buried and the wounded sent back to Cuzco, we attacked the city of Huarina, I leading the van with my Chancas, and stormed the place, driving Urco and his forces out on the farther side. They retreated to the mountains and there followed a long and tedious war without great battles.

"Then Upanqui stood up and swore by the Sun that this was not so and that what he had done was done by the decree of the god and at the prayer of the lady Quilla, who having seen Urco, had declared that either she would be wed to the god or die by her own hand, which would bring the vengeance of the Sun upon the people. "Then Urco went mad.