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After the penitential psalms, a litany, and the office appointed, the bishop stood with his back to the altar, and spoke urbi et orbi from the text, "God, who in divers times and in divers places," etc.

The position and influence of Italian culture throughout the world depended on the fact that certain subjects were treated in Latin 'urbi et orbi' while Italian prose was written best of all by those to whom it cost an inward struggle not to write in Latin. From the fourteenth century Cicero was recognized universally as the purest model of prose.

Just such a pretty babble I find in the Spanish Chapel, which to take in any other spirit would work a madness in the brain. You remember the North wall, apotheosis of Saint Thomas and what-not, for all the world like a paradigm of the irregular verb "Aquinizo." To read Ruskin you would think he was fulminating urbi et orbi with the Summa or Cur Deus homo at his fingers' ends.

Just as Frederick the Great defended Prussia's newly won position as a great Power against overwhelming odds, so we were fighting under similar conditions for the maintenance of Germany's position in the world. Our Government had declared urbi et orbi that they were waging a defensive war, and were therefore obliged to regulate their policy accordingly.

Thus it often happens that ideas, conceived in their cups by certain apparently idle Parisians, who nevertheless fight many a moral battle over their champagne and their pheasants, are handed down at their birth from the brain to the commercial travellers who are employed to spread them discreetly, "urbi et orbi," through Paris and the provinces, seasoned with the fried pork of advertisement and prospectus, by means of which they catch in their rat-trap the departmental rodent commonly called subscriber, sometimes stockholder, occasionally corresponding member or patron, but invariably fool.

The British Government's comment on the telegram was to put a flying squadron in commission and issue an official statement urbi et orbi, calling attention to the Convention made with President Kruger in London in 1884, reserving the supervision of the foreign relations of the Transvaal to the British Government.

Vergil's memories of the boy at school, the recipient of the Culex, the leader of the Trojan troop at Caesar's games, the lad of sixteen sitting for a day in the forum as praefectus urbi, seem very recent in the pages of the epic. It would be futile to attempt to pick out definite lines and claim that these were parts of the youthful poem.

He wrote also to Maximus, the præfectus urbi, giving him such information as one might expect, and further stating that the soldiers recently enlisted insisted upon receiving all that they were wont to have before, and that the rest, who had been deprived of nothing, made common cause with them in their anger at what was withheld.

It was the bounded right and duty of all the earth to interfere in the business of the satellite. The subscription opened at Baltimore, for this end extended thence to all the world urbi et orbi. This subscription was destined to succeed beyond all hope; yet the money was to be given, not lent.

But he, standing on the height, with his extended right hand made the sign of the cross, blessing in the hour of death, Urbi et orbi! In that same wonderful evening another detachment of soldiers conducted along the Ostian Way Paul of Tarsus toward a place called Aquæ Salviæ.