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We were still as disillusioned with the country as we had been the first day, we felt as out of place on a homestead as a coyote sauntering up Fifth Avenue, we felt the tar-paper shack to be the most unhomelike contraption we had ever seen; but from the moment we began to make improvements, transforming the shack, it took on an interest for us out of all proportion to the changes we were able to make.

The electric light was also brightening it, but the fire was unlit, and the presence of the unpacked trunk, taking up a position of prominence on the floor, gave it a very unhomelike feel. In itself the room was particularly picturesque. It had two charming lattice windows, set in deep square bays. One window faced the fireplace, the other the door.

It was common and short enough: a "Down-East" boy, fresh from his father's farm, hunting for work and board, a bit homesick here in the strange, unhomelike city, it might be, and glad of some one to say so to.

A tremor grew upon her as she talked, due in part to the consciousness that she was glad to be thus alone with Bevis. 'A place like this must seem to you to be very unhomelike, he was saying, as he lounged on a low chair not very far from her. 'The girls didn't like it at all at first. I suppose it's a retrograde step in civilization.

And Davy, looking down into those upraised, beseeching eyes, and at that heavy block of wood, and at the raw place the collar had worn on the neck, then at Old Man Thornycroft's bleak, unpainted house on the hill, with the unhomelike yard and the tumble-down fences, felt a great pity, the pity of the free for the imprisoned, and a great longing to own, not a dog, but this dog.

With the wind blowing and the bare branches of the old apple tree scraping the roof and whining dolefully, it looked bleak and forsaken. It was so different, so unhomelike, and so, to her eyes, small and poverty-stricken. She made believe that she liked it, exclaimed over the view which, on the particular day, was desolate enough and declared the Dutch front door was "old-fashioned and dear."

He went straight from her side to the cloak-room; and thence slowly back to his unhomelike rooms at the hotel; a dark solitary figure, with bent head, and a heart full of tumultuous hopes and fears.

You know she has been a fortnight here to-day, and she has not got an extra thing not one. There isn't a room in the hall like hers it's so bare and unhomelike. What's the matter, Maggie?" "You needn't go on, Nancy; if it's about the room, I don't want to hear it. You know I can't I can't bear it." Maggie's lips were trembling, her face was white. She shaded her eyes with her hand.

When the gong had sounded, and everybody assembled for breakfast, the vast dining-room, coldly magnificent in white and gold, and all astir with white jacketed waiters, seemed stranger and more unhomelike still. Everything was novel, but for once novelty only wearied instead of charming. By noon they were on board the steamer. Mr. Strafford went on board with them and stayed till the last minute.

The snuffy apartment, the unhomelike livingroom dust and books its only furniture the unbelievable kitchen, looking like a pictured warning to housewives, were only guffaws before the final buffoonery of discovering the J S Francis who'd inserted that promising ad to be Josephine Spencer Francis. Wrong location, wrong atmosphere, wrong gender.