United States or Antigua and Barbuda ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The principal of the Public Debt was undergoing a monthly reduction and the gain in the interest account was sufficient to guarantee the payment of the principal in half a century. From that time forward, the leading bankers of Europe and American were ready to co-operate in placing the remaining five per cents, and then the four and a half and four per cents.

Nay; mankind has assigned a peculiar sanctity to the position of parents, because it was advantageous that children should be reared, and people had to be tempted into undergoing the toil of doing so, because the issue of their experiment was doubtful.

He had come, braced and resolute; he was to trace out a line of conduct for the pair of them in a few cold, convincing sentences; he had now been there some time, and he was still staggering round the outworks and undergoing what he felt to be a savage cross-examination. "Mr. Frank!" she cried. "What nex', I would like to ken?" "He spoke most kindly and truly." "What like did he say?"

A part of the palace was of course undergoing repair; and in the gallery beyond the conservatory a company of workmen were sitting at a table where they had spread their luncheon.

Chaplain J.D. Parker, in Kansas City Journal. A study of the means by which nature rids the economy of what is harmful has been made by Sanquirico, of Siena, and his experiments and conclusions are as follows: He finds that the vessels of the body, without undergoing extensive structural alteration, can by exosmosis rid themselves of fluid to an amount of eight per cent. of the body weight of the subject of the experiment.

In the meantime, the Prayer-book had been undergoing a final revision; and here Elizabeth's own wish would undoubtedly have been to revert to that of 1549.

She was tall and slim and graceful and bore herself with a touching dignity that was as unconscious as it was distinguished. Nature had not arrived yet with Joan. She was still in the making, and the best that could be said for her was that she was undergoing the ordeal with bewitching charm.

Captain David Porter, one of the most distinguished names in American naval annals, commanded her then, and until her capture by a much superior force, nearly two years later; but at this moment she was undergoing repairs, a circumstance which prevented her from accompanying the other vessels, and materially affected her subsequent history.

I can fancy people coming to the bungalow for a day's intercourse with the pasture shrubs that have never before met them, and feeling awkward and disconcerted at not being able to recall names after a wholesale introduction. I have felt that way myself after undergoing a rapid-fire presentation to a room full of people.

" an undergoing spirit, to bear up Against whate'er ensued." The names of these nineteen pioneer-matrons should be engraved in letters of gold on the pillars of American history: The Wives of the Pilgrims. Mrs. Catharine Carver. Mrs. Dorothy Bradford. Mrs. Elizabeth Winslow. Mrs. Mary Brewster. Mrs. Mary Allerton. Mrs. Elizabeth Hopkins. Mrs. Tilley. Mrs. Tilley. Mrs. Ticker. Mrs. Ridgdale. Mrs.