United States or Northern Mariana Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I won't be much trouble, if you will let me live with you until I can find Gran'pa Jim." Mr. Conant still stared. "I'm sure," said Mary Louise, "that my grandfather will gladly repay you any money it costs you to keep me." "You don't un-der-stand," he retorted, chopping off his words rather viciously. "Moreover, you can't understand. Go to the house and talk to Hannah. Have you any baggage!"

Of course I didn't confess my hu-mil-i-a-tion; I intimated that it was simply something a North-ern-er can't un-der-stand. Wasn't that right?" "Certainly! They can't understand it! They seem to think the South we love is a certain region and everything and everybody within its borders." "I have a mighty dim idea where its Northern border is sit-u-a-ted." "Why, so we all have!

He was fond of all the great poets, and he read Shake-speare and Mil-ton and many other poets as soon as he was old enough to un-der-stand them. Haw-thorne grew up a very hand-some young fellow. One day he was walking in the woods. He met an old gypsy woman. She had never seen anybody so fine-looking. "Are you a man, or an angel?" she asked him.

He was happy to think that she understood him, and began following the conversation again. Valentina Mihailovna supported her husband, and was, if anything, even more radical in her expressions than he. She could not understand, "simply could not un-der-stand, how an educated young man could hold such antiquated views."