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Adams delivered at Newburyport, at the request of its inhabitants, an oration on the Declaration of Independence, the spirit of which may be discerned in the following extract: "Our government is a complicated machine. We have twenty-six states, with governments administered by separate legislatures and executive chiefs, and represented by equal numbers in the general Senate of the nation.

There was our fifteen sail of the line, all in apple-pie order, packed up as close as dominoes, and every man on board of them longing to come to the scratch; while there was their twenty-six, all somehow nohow, two lines here and no lines there, with a great gap of water in the middle of them.

Most assuredly the powers he has displayed between sixteen and twenty-six years of age would, if he had been cast upon his own resources, have brought him more fame and more wealth than the government in whom he trusted will ever give him.

Taggett's physical aspect calculated to stir either expectation or enthusiasm: a slender man of about twenty-six, but not looking it, with overhanging brown mustache, sparse side-whiskers, eyes of no definite color, and faintly accentuated eyebrows. He spoke precisely, and with a certain unembarrassed hesitation, as persons do who have two thoughts to one word, if there are such persons.

In the eyes of the world, I was doubtless covered with grimy dishonour; but I resolved to be clean in my own sight and to the last I repudiated the contamination of her crimes, and wrenched myself from connection with her mental defects. Thus, at the age of twenty-six, I was hopeless. Being unable to sleep in bed, I got up and opened the window.

I have a stock farm of five hundred and forty-four and a half acres at Ravenna that I run myself, and I have another of eighty acres adjacent to the city, rented for gardening, and still another of twenty-six and a half acres, out on the Detroit road where I intend to build me a home to live and die in, if I do not die away from home."

He saluted and stood sailor-fashion, turning his cap round in his hands. "Your name?" asked Holmes. "Patrick Cairns." "Harpooner?" "Yes, sir. Twenty-six voyages." "Dundee, I suppose?" "Yes, sir." "And ready to start with an exploring ship?" "Yes, sir." "What wages?" "Eight pounds a month." "Could you start at once?" "As soon as I get my kit." "Have you your papers?" "Yes, sir."

The son of Sirach said: "They shall not be sought for in the council of the people, and in the assembly they shall not mount on high"; but fourteen of the first twenty-six Presidents were farmers' sons, and that statistic gives but merest suggestion of the farmer's part in all the councils of the people.

This village is seated in the latitude in 9 degrees and 2 minutes, northern latitude, being distant from the river of Chagre twenty-six Spanish leagues, and eight from Panama.

It is wonderful upon what a small amount of nourishment humanity can exist, and still more wonderful under what conditions it can survive. Shall we look in at a house that I know only too well? Come again, then! Here sits an aged widow of sixty-four at work on infants' shoes, a daughter about twenty-six is at work on infants' socks.