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For the 'trower' at any moment, truth, like the visible area round a man walking in a fog, or like what George Eliot calls 'the wall of dark seen by small fishes' eyes that pierce a span in the wide Ocean, is an objective field which the next moment enlarges and of which it is the critic, and which then either suffers alteration or is continued unchanged.

Do you always travel in this fashion, "impedimentis relictis"? 'Not exactly, said Guy; 'the "impedimenta" are, some at Varenna, some at the inn with Arnaud. 'So you have Arnaud with you? 'Yes, and Anne Trower, said Amy, for her maid was a Stylehurst person, who had lived at Hollywell ever since she had been fit for service. 'She was greatly pleased to hear we were going to meet the captain.

They forget that in any concrete account of what is denoted by 'truth' in human life, the word can only be used relatively to some particular trower. Thus, I may hold it true that Shakespeare wrote the plays that bear his name, and may express my opinion to a critic.

T. R. Malthus, 1823; M. T. Sadler, Law of Population, 1830; A. Alison, Principles of Population, 1840; T. Doubleday, True Law of Population, 1842. Ricardo's Letters to Trower, p. 47. Spence's Tracts on Political Economy were collected with a preface in 1822. Spence is better known as an entomologist, and collaborated with William Kirby. Tracts , p. xiii. Ibid. p. 59.

Hollander for the American Economic Association, in 1895; and his letters to H. Trower, edited by Mr. Bonar and Mr. Hollander, have just appeared . He remarks upon this difficulty in the case of Smith's treatment of rent, and gives a definition to which he scarcely adheres. Works, p. 378.

But the critic is himself only a trower; and if the whole process of experience should terminate at that instant, there would be no otherwise known independent reality with which HIS thought might be compared. The immediate in experience is always provisionally in this situation.

For Ricardo's opinion of Torrens, see Letters to Trower, p. 39. Political Economy , p. 21. External Corn-trade, pp. xviii, 109, 139; Production of Wealth, p. 375. Originally in the Encyclopædia Metropolitana, 1836. Senior's Political Economy , p. 26. Ibid. , pp. 55, 129-131. Senior's Political Economy , p. 125. Ibid. p. 135.

Meanwhile what actually DOES count for true to any individual trower, whether he be philosopher or common man, is always a result of his APPERCEPTIONS. If a novel experience, conceptual or sensible, contradict too emphatically our pre-existent system of beliefs, in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred it is treated as false.

But in the charge Butson was killed, Chisholme and Trower were wounded; the sergeant-major and three men were killed and seven were wounded. Brilliant charges were delivered by the other cavalry detachments, and the Siah Sung heights were ultimately cleared.

Good consequences are not proposed by us merely as a sure sign, mark, or criterion, by which truth's presence is habitually ascertained, tho they may indeed serve on occasion as such a sign; they are proposed rather as the lurking motive inside of every truth-claim, whether the 'trower' be conscious of such motive, or whether he obey it blindly.