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After our meal, the three men sat down by the light of a tallow candle, with a pack of greasy Spanish cards, to the favorite game of "treinta uno," a sort of Spanish "everlasting." I left them and went out to take up my bivouack among the hides. It was now dark; the vessel was hidden from sight, and except the three men in the house, there was not a living soul within a league.

Zúñiga is careful to state that he is 'predicador y religioso, morador en el monasterio de Sanct Agustin de la dicha ciudad de Toledo, de edad de treinta y seis años', and again, 'predicador, profeso de la órden de Sanct Agustin... de la dicha ciudad de Toledo, é dijo ser de edad de treinta y seis años'. It appears that in the sixteenth century a very straight line was drawn by the Augustinians between official 'preachers' and 'professors': it was thought that the qualities needed by the one were not likely to be found in the other.

CASERO. ¡Al anochecer!... Salir en un día de tornaboda a las ocho de la mañana y no volver hasta el anochecer, dígole a usted que no me da buena espina. DOÑA MATILDE. Puede que vuelva más pronto, y.... CASERO. Pues no crea que a me ha de traer como a un zarandillo ... y lo que son los trastos no valen ni treinta reales. DOÑA MATILDE. Caballero, mi marido es incapaz de....

He make me count like whisper so twenty, /treinta/, /cuarenta/. Who knows," concluded Ylario, with a deprecating spread of his hands, "for what that doctor do those verree droll and such-like things?" "What horses are up?" asked Raidler shortly. "Paisano is grazing out behind the little corral, /senor/." "Saddle him for me at once." Within a very few minutes the cattleman was mounted and away.

BRUNO. No faltaba más ... ¡una niña bien nacida pensar en semejante gitanada! DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Bruno! BRUNO. ¡Y proponérmela a , que he comido treinta y cinco años el pan de su padre! DOÑA MATILDE. Pero escucha, por Dios.... BRUNO. Ni por la Virgen ... todo lo sabrá el señor D. Pedro. DOÑA MATILDE. Recuerda que prometiste.... BRUNO. Si prometí fué en la suposición de que sería cosa inocente....

He make me count like whisper so twenty, treinta, cuarenta . Who knows," concluded Ylario, with a deprecating spread of his hands, "for what that doctor do those verree droll and such-like things?" "What horses are up?" asked Raidler shortly. "Paisano is grazing out behind the little corral, señor." "Saddle him for me at once." Within a very few minutes the cattleman was mounted and away.