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Sheridan to this fine specimen of English composition, it but adds to my intense admiration of Burke not on account of the beauty of the writing, for his fame required no such accession but from that triumph of mind over temper which it exhibits that forgetfulness of Self, the true, transmigrating power of genius, which enabled him thus to pass his spirit into the station of Royalty, and to assume all the calm dignity, both of style and feeling, that became it.

Meanwhile, juxtaposed at an intersection of transmigrating junk food, I further divided my attention between monitoring what needed to be passed, trying not to notice the women, and watching a man on the screen discover a lost world of magic and conflict under the sea. "We all had past lives in Atlantis." "We had past lives there." Pass the Raisinetes.

And she suffered every kind of indignity at their hands to prevent her reäscending to her Father, even to being imprisoned in the human body and transmigrating into other female bodies, as from one vessel into another. Tertullian's account differs by the important addition that the "design of the Father was prevented"; how or why he does not say.

I laughed, albeit in no smiling mood; for I have been transmigrating from one room to another, and your packet found me half tired and half excited, and whole grave. But I could not choose but laugh at your Oxford charge; and when I had counted your great guns and javelin points and other military appurtenances of the Punic war, I said to myself or to Flush, 'Well, Mr.

Such were the words uttered with a somewhat different intonation, which last month, in speaking of Mr O'Connell's crusade against the peace of Ireland, we used tentatively, almost doubtfully, but still in the spirit of hope, in reference to the crisis then apparently impending, that the agitation might prolong itself by transmigrating into some other shape, for that case we allowed.

In fact, we only arrived late at night, and departed early the next morning; but even a six-hours sojourn gave me a solemn and "realizing sense" of its marked worth, for, when, tired and listless, I asked for a servant to assist me, the waiter said he would send the housekeeper. I stared in dismay, and perceived myself rapidly transmigrating into a ridiculus mus.

So she, transmigrating from body to body, and thereby also continually undergoing indignity, last of all even stood for hire in a brothel; and she was the "lost sheep." Wherefore also he himself had come, to take her away for the first time, and free her from her bonds, and also to guarantee salvation to men by his "knowledge."

In fact, we only arrived late at night, and departed early the next morning; but even a six-hours' sojourn gave me a solemn and "realizing sense" of its marked worth, for, when, tired and listless, I asked for a servant to assist me, the waiter said he would send the housekeeper. I stared in dismay, and perceived myself rapidly transmigrating into a ridiculus mus.

It was the soul of a usurer, inhabiting now the body of a war-captain, now transmigrating into that of a huckster. False oaths, and the abominablest basenesses, cost him nothing, so his object might be reached. He was miserly with his own, but lavish with his Master's money; daily he gave most striking proofs of both these habitudes.

Smriti also declares that the transmigrating soul when reaching the state of Release 'imitates, i.e. attains supreme equality of attributes with the highest Brahman. Gi. Up.