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And he's the guy that's fixed it that way. You haven't a thing in Skandinavia comparable. I'd say you haven't a feller on your side capable of touching the fringe of that tough's genius for organisation. It's him. Not Martin I mean Standing." "And Standing?" But Idepski was not to be deflected from his purpose. "That's all right," he said easily. "I'm coming to him presently.

Tough's voice, who, on the second day after Alan's departure, was heard in answer to the opening counsel.

But it was not these things, not his face or size which drew me to him; it was his bearing. All of the chaps in Swede Olson's house were hard cases. They boasted of their hardness. But their hardness was the typical tough's hardness, nine parts bravado, a savagery not difficult to subdue with an oak belaying pin in the fist of a bucko mate.

Some of the plingers amongst this riff-raff must have recognized their mate, and thinking that the trouble was merely a case of a street beggar insulting a citizen, and noting that this one wore the hated uniform of a railroad man every tough's sworn enemy they made common cause and the next moment Joe saw a heavy beer bottle descending upon his head, then all was darkness.

"Well, Van just threw the first fellow over his head, and threw him hard. He must have broken his ribs, for the second fellow tried to get away, and begged off, but Van wouldn't have it, and rushed him. He got the tough's head under his arm, and pummelled it till his arm ached, and then he threw him into the street, and asked if any other gentleman would like to try his luck.

She saw Milt standing on the right side of the bug holding the wheel with one hand, and the other hand firm, grim, broad-knuckled hand outstretched toward the tough, then snatching at his collar. The tough's grip was torn from the steering wheel. He was yanked from the running-board. He crunched down on the road. She seized the wheel. She drove on at sixty miles an hour.

Happy was uncertain what to do or say. His impulse was to turn and go back, but he did not quite dare. "Are you a rebel, Tough?" he burbled the first thing in his mind, for lack of something else to say. The Tough looked at him contemptuously. Then, suddenly, the Tough's hard eyes flared with savage excitement and he moved swiftly on Happy.