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July 2. brite and fair. i bougt 5 bunches of snapcrackers and 2 bunches of canon crackers and sum slow mach and put them in a box in my room. tomorow is the nite before fourth. Pewt is going to have a pistol and Beany a canon. father he says if he hears of me fooling with a gun he will lick me and send me to bed for a week. ennyway he dident say ennything about a pistol or a canon.

Feb. 5. it snowed this morning and we dident go to church i dug some paths and read Billy Bowlegs in the afternoon, after super it snowed again and is snowing now. i bet they will be some deep drifts tomorow.

Aug. 13. brite and fair. nothing but church today. Aug. 14. brite and fair. i coodent go out of the yard today. Beany he come over and we are going to ring old man Hobbses door bell tomorow nite. old man Hobbs is Prisils uncle.

Boog got a bludy nose the second fite. in the afternoon i went fishing with Cawcaw. i dident get a chance to tip him over but we cougt 5 pikeril. tomorow nite me and Beany are going to ring sum doorbells.

June 28. brite and fair. it is most fourth of July again. they is going to be a band concert on the square. i shant have as mutch money as last year. ennyway i bet i will have a good time. i went in swiming 4 times today. i coodent go in while my arm was sore. Annie is most well but cross as time. June 29. brite and fair. i went in swiming 5 times today. tomorow me and Pewt is going pikerilling.

Rany. not mutch but sum. we was playing snap the whip today and Johnny Kelly was on the end and got snaped rite into a pudel of water and he said i dident hold on and he wood give me a slap in the mug and i said he want man enuf and jest then the bell rang and we had to go in. tomorow he had beter look out i am going to give him one in the eye and then grab for the under hold and get him down and lam him good. i bet he cant fite enny beter then Ti Crummet did, and when i have licked him all the fellers will be afrade of me. i bet he will wish he had never fit with me.

April 23. i went to school today. i dident have to resite becaus i had been sick. if i dont get wirse i can goto Mis Packerds concert tomorow. hope it wont rane. April 24. brite and fair and it dident rane tonite, so i went to the concert. all the girls was flowers.