United States or Sierra Leone ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He's like to get kill any day, he am. He don't know nuffin, he don't. "Gen. Anderson and Peter laughed when she spoke of Ham getting killed. Peter seemed to lose for the time-being his sad countenance, when he remembered about Ham getting under the brush at Stone Run.

The countryman purchases oranges at a fair for his little ones; and when he brings them home in the evening, and watches his chubby urchins, sitting up among the bed-clothes, peel and devour the fruit, he is for the time-being richer than if he drew the rental of the orange-groves of Seville.

There was no one to play the organ if the schoolmistress failed to turn up as she often did. David however scrupulously turned the normal congregation of five Bridget, the maid of the time-being, the gardener-groom, the sexton, and a baker-church-warden into six by his unvarying attendance.

Had Pitt followed up his idea of uniting the Colonies into a Dominion, or into an even greater union such as he was pressed then to do, the American Revolution would in all probability have been averted. But Pitt's energies were turned to the war then being carried on in Germany, and the Colonies were for the time-being neglected with disastrous results.

"Sergeant!" he said quietly, "You'd better leave the leg-irons on, but remove his handcuffs for the time-being, anyway. . . ." He addressed himself to the prisoner with a sort of sad sternness. "It's little I can do for you now, Gully . . . but I can do that, at least. . . ." Slavin complied with his officer's request.

It is not to be understood from this that every road is of itself a line of operations, though doubtless it may happen that any good road in a certain turn of affairs may become for the time-being such a line; but as long as it is only traversed by detachments, and lies beyond the sphere of the principal enterprises, it cannot truly be called the real line of operations.

When I returned to the hospital the "English Invasion" of the town was an accomplished fact, and the Casino had been taken over as a hospital for our men. In the rush after Festubert, we were very proud to be called upon to assist for the time-being in transporting wounded, as the British Red Cross ambulances had more than they could cope with.

He chose, rather from personal and political motives than philosophical ones, to draw a distinction between the people and the States, but it is quite obvious, from the tone of his private communications, that by the 'States' he meant the individuals who happened, for the time-being, to be the deputies of the States of each Province.

It was a life that suited her well for the time-being as devoid of hardship or terror as it was of improvement; a need which had not yet become a want. Instead of improving at this place, morally, she retrograded, as their example taught her to curse; and it was here that she took her first oath.

In the presence of the machine people everywhere become for the time-being childlike and naive, curious and enthusiastic; they lose the veneer of sophistication, and are as approachable and companionable as children. Automobiling is therefore doubly delightful in these early days of the sport.