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I. References for Study C.F. and C.B. Thwing, The Family, chap. vii. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, $1.60. W.F. Lofthouse, Ethics and the Family, chaps. iv, v. Hodder & Stoughton, $2.50. II. Further Reading "The Improvement of Religious Education," Proceedings of the Religious Education Association, I, 119-23. $0.50. Religious Education, April, 1911, VI, 1-48.

The author, who is an enthusiastic votary of the game, and has no superior among our American amateurs, offers a judicious selection from the treatises of such foreign writers as the severe and critical Anderson, the brilliant but capricious Drummond, Robert Martin, perhaps the first of living players, Hay, Sinclair, and Wylie, besides many valuable games from Sturges and Payne, who will never be rendered obsolete by modern improvements, together with the labors of such acknowledged masters in America as Bethell, Mercer, Ash, Drysdale, and Young, and the contributions of such rising players as Howard, Brooks, Fisk, Boughton, Janvier, Hull, and Thwing.

Thwing stopped short; De Milt held his breath. Scarborough was leaning forward, was holding Thwing's eyes with one of those looks that grip. "Do you mean," said he, "that, if I'll assure these friends of yours that I don't mean what I say, they'll buy me the presidency?" "My dear Hampden," expostulated Thwing, "nothing of the sort.

Quincy consented, but he stipulated that he was not to be placed in any city or town where he had a store. Mr. Thwing vehemently objected. "Why, the men who want you to come live where the stores are." "I can't help it. Put me in the next town, and if they're so anxious to hear me they'll come." After the campaign was over, the votes cast, and the victory won, Mr.

On the religious place of the family: C.F. and C.B. Thwing, The Family. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, $1.60. I.J. Peritz, "Biblical Ideal of the Home," Religious Education, VI, 322. H. Hanson, The Function of the Family. American Baptist Publication Society, $0.15. W. Becker, Christian Education, or the Duties of Parents. Herder, $1.00.

The servant will show you the door." And he left Thwing alone in the room. I had made De Milt give me the point of his story as soon as I saw its drift. While he was going over it in detail, I was thinking out all the bearings of Scarborough's refusal upon my plans. "Has Senator Goodrich seen Governor Burbank yet?"

We turn aside to look at the rudely carved Norman tympanum over the church door at Wold Newton, and then go up to Thwing, on the rising ground to the south, where we may see what Mr. Joseph Morris claims to be the only other Norman tympanum in the East Riding. A cottage is pointed out as the birthplace of Archbishop Lamplugh, who held the See of York from 1688 to 1691.

Thwing said, "That was a good business idea of yours, Governor, about your not going into the towns where your stores were. Of course you instructed your general manager." "I don't know what you mean," said Quincy. "Didn't you know when you spoke in places adjoining those in which you had stores that your Mr.

"I have already subscribed," said Quincy. "Do you need more?" "Money talks," said Mr. Thwing, "and so do you. I have a score of letters from different cities asking me to add you to our list of speakers, and to be sure and let the writers hear you." "I had no intention " Quincy began. "You're an ex-governor, and know all the State. Aren't you in the grocery business in a big way?" "Rather."

"Believe me, Hampden," continued Thwing, "without our support Burbank is beaten, and you are triumphantly elected not otherwise. But you know politics; I needn't tell you. You know that the presidency depends upon getting the doubtful element in the doubtful states."