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"Wal, as I've said about fifeteen yeern ago, I located in the Red River bottom, about fifty mile or tharabout below Nacketosh, whur I built me a shanty. I hed left my wife an' two young critters in Massissippi state, intendin' to go back for 'em in the spring; so, ye see, I wur all alone by meself, exceptin' my ole mar, a Collins's axe, an' of coorse my rifle.

We'll hev to go three mile or tharabout; but we'll git back by the time 'ee hev filled yur gourds, an' got yur traps ready for skeetin'." "Very well! take the arrows." "Four's gobs for us," said Rube, taking that number from the quiver. "Keep the rest. 'Ee'll want more wolf-meat afore we start. Thur's not a tail o' anythin' else till we git clur roun' the mountain yander.

Don't all speak at oncest!" "Here, Rube, here!" cried several, holding out their blankets. "E'er a one 'll do. We needs three: Bill's an' mine an' another'n. Hyur, Billee! take these afore ye. Now ride down the 'Pash trail three hunred yards, or tharabout, an' then pull up. Don't take the beaten pad, but keep alongside, an' make big tracks. Gallop!"

"Fresh track, cap'n; buffler!" "What number; can you guess?" "A gang o' fifty or tharabout. They've tuk through the thicket yander-away. I kin sight the sky. Thur's clur ground not fur from us; and I'd stak a plew thur in it. I think it's a small parairia, cap." "Halt here, men!" said Seguin; "halt and keep silent. Ride forward, Rube.