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'Them eloocidations is meant to stiffen a gent's nerve an' do him good. Shore; no one needs encouragement nor has to train for a conflict with good luck; but it's when he's out ag'inst the iron an' the bad luck's swoopin' an' stoopin' at him, beak an' claw like forty hawks, that your remarks is doo to come to his aid an' uplift his sperits some.

It must iv been a thrillin' experience, leppin' fr'm iceberg to iceberg, with a polar bear grabbin' at th' seat iv his pants, an' now an' thin a walrus swoopin' down fr'm a three an' munchin' his hat." "What ta-alk have ye?" Mr. Dooley demanded. "A walrus don't fly, foolish man!" "What does he do, thin?" asked Mr. Hennessy. "Go 'round on crutches?" "A walrus," said Mr.

And Susy's tongue trilled an accompaniment to his thanks. "Lord! it seems so nice to be here just you and me, Clarence like in the old days with nobody naggin' and swoopin' round after you. Don't be greedy, Clarence, but give me a cake." She took one and finished the dregs of his glass.

At the end of that time she was sort of pale and frazzled, but still givin' points to three-year-old jerky on cohesion and other uncompromisin' forces of Nature. We buried her then, and went out back to recuperate. There we could gaze on the smilin' landscape, dotted by about four hundred long-laigged chickens swoopin' here and there after grasshoppers. "We got to stop that," says I.

Them's the gold. An' Jamie's playin' 'bad man' an' swoopin' down on her and sneakin' her worms. It's a new game. Y'see, I thought it out and taught 'em how to play it. They're a heap struck on it, too. But words somehow failed him under the baleful stare of the other's eyes. And turning back to the milk he fell into a stupid silence.

But they kills beef to eat as they needs it, an' the ponies paws through the snow for grass, an' they exists along all right. For all those snow-filled, wind-swept weeks they're ridin' an' cussin'. They comes spatterin' through the rivers, an' swoopin' an' whoopin' over the divides that lays between.

And you don't kneel down and shet your eyes and pray for your young turkeys and chickens when a pair of big wicked hawks are swoopin' down on 'em or a heavy thunder-storm comin' on. No, you drive your little onprotected broods into the first shelter you can find and go at the old hawks with a club.