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Or have yer slipped down among the nattles? Your face is swelled-up a sight. Here, I know you've been bathing!" "Not this morning, Ness; I did yesterday." "That's it, then, my lad, and you should mind. I know you've had one o' they jelly-fish float up agen yer face, and they sting dreadful sometimes."

After that, the Collector having first been invited to the wedding, the two men parted in the best of humor; and the latter with his bulging angularities, his swelled-up, protruding coat-tails, and with the amphora bobbing back and forth at his left side, made a remarkable spectacle as he walked away.

"It is an elastic pouch in the gullet of a bird, where food that has been swallowed is kept for a while before it goes further down into the stomach. You have seen this crop in the necks of Chickens and Pigeons." "Oh, yes, a round swelled-up place; but what is the good of it?" persisted Dodo. "It is a resting-place for food, where it may swell, soften, and be partly ground up.

He lost his swelled-up appearance as suddenly as a bubble flattens out when it is pricked. With a frantic beating of his wings he took to the air. Being in such a fright, he didn't see where he was going, and struck his head against a sharp twig, which tore the skin, for there were no feathers to protect it, and made it bleed.

His eye and nose were impeccable in their sense of form; indeed, he was very English in that matter: People must be just so; things smell properly; and affairs go on in the one right way. He could tolerate neither creatures in ragged clothes, nor children on their hands and knees, nor postmen, because, with their bags, they swelled-up on one side, and carried lanterns on their stomachs.

His eye and nose were impeccable in their sense of form; indeed, he was very English in that matter: People must be just so; things smell properly; and affairs go on in the one right way. He could tolerate neither creatures in ragged clothes, nor children on their hands and knees, nor postmen, because, with their bags, they swelled-up on one side, and carried lanterns on their stomachs.

"I been lettin' you shoot off your head so's you'll be good and sore afterward. I always wanted a piece of paper money any way for a keepsake. You wait!" He went into the cabin and returned with a tarnished gold piece and a box of forty-five cartridges. "Here, stakeholder!" he said to Johnson. Then, to Bill: "Now, then, old Californy you been all swelled-up and stumping me for quite some time.

"You don't need to tell me, Ailie, my pet, for your red, swelled-up eyes speak for themselves. But go, you puss, and change your own frock. You've made it as wet as my coat, nearly; besides, I can't undress, you know, while you stand there." Ailie said, "I'm so very, very thankful," and then giving her father one concluding hug, which completely saturated the frock, went to her own cabin.

One hears of Mohammed's beauty: his fine sagacious honest face, brown florid complexion, beaming black eyes; I somehow like too that vein on the brow, which swelled-up black when he was in anger: like the "horse-shoe vein" in Scott's Red-gauntlet. It was a kind of feature in the Hashem family, this black swelling vein in the brow; Mahomet had it prominent, as would appear.

"And no wonder, fighting like that, and never touching a bit of the dinner I brought you up. Yes, your head's all in a fever, and your poor swelled-up eyes too. That's better. Now, then, you must take this." "What is it?" said the lad, drowsily. "What is it? Why, can't you see?" "No; my head's all swimming round and round, and my eyes won't open." "Never mind, poor boy, this'll do you good.