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Eth., v. 17; Quaest. super Lib. The principal question which Oresme sets out to answer, according to the first chapter of this treatise, is whether the sovereign has the right to alter the value of the money in circulation at his pleasure, and for his own benefit.

The car had always reminded me of his evening clothes, which were straight and simple in line with the black silk vest cut up around the collar buttoned in the back, but which were so fine in texture and perfect in cut and fit that they seemed to be some kind of super clothes that ought to be called by a name of their own, just as the people in the Settlement had decided to call the car the "Chariot" as soon as they had stopped resenting a parson's having it, from finding out how easy were its cushions and how swift its ministrations in time of need.

All felt that Kennedy's tact had saved the situation and restored the equilibrium. It was the poet now who stood before them the man of genius the man whose name was known the country through. That he was drunk was only part of the performance. Booth had been drunk when he chased a super from the stage; Webster made his best speeches when he was half-seas-over was making them at that very moment.

She received the news of Kirk's outbreak with composure. Privately, in her eugenic heart, she considered his presence superfluous now that William Bannister was safely launched upon his career. In the drama of which she was the self-appointed stage-director, Kirk was a mere super supporting the infant star.

The agent came out from the station waving two slips of paper. "Heard from the super," he called. One wire was addressed to Dave, the other to the conductor. Dave read: Am instructing conductor to put you on siding and place train crew under your orders to reload. Beneath was the signature of the superintendent. The conductor flushed purple as he read the orders sent by his superior.

"I am only a poor super at a theatre, but I am something of an artist, and you may as well know that I never asked anything of anybody yet! Who asked anything of you? Who owes you anything? eh, old lady!" "You are employed at a theatre, and your name is ?" "Topinard, at your service."

He was dressed in a sort of hunting-coat of deer-skin, blue cloth leggings, a cap of racoon's skin, with a broad belt round his waist, in which he wore his knife. "Now, Martin Super, I will read the terms of the agreement between you and Mr Campbell, that you may see if all is as you wish." The Surveyor-General read the agreement, and Martin Super nodded his head in acquiescence.

Bernard's words about the pope, he exclaimed, 'Tu quis es primatu Abel, gubernatione Noah, auctoritate Moses, judicatu Samuel, potestate Petrus, unctione Christus. Aliæ ecclesiæ habent super se pastores. Tu pastor pastorum es.

The automobile is the zenith of today's accomplishment, and that is why men speak of it as "super" this and "super" that. The machine age has its own cruelties and its own, ugliness, but it also has its own art and its own beauty, of which the automobile and the houses which men have built to accommodate it, are the consummate art. Not all will agree with me here.

Oct. 24. i have been sick agen. not very sick but my legs aked ferful. mother says it is becaus i am growin so fast, but i know why, me and Boog Chadwick rassled all yesterday afternoon. ferst i throwed Boog and then Boog throwed me, and when we got through Boog was only 2 throws ahead. we dident get mad at all. ennyway i dident have to go to church. Oct. 25. tonite we had company to super.