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It has culminated in the triple dogma of the superman, of the super-race, and of the super-State, and this triple dogma of the German Realpolitik has worked for the enslavement of Europe as inevitably as the triple dogma of the French RevolutionLiberté, Egalité, Fraternitéwas bound to lead to the liberation of Europe.

"We are youth of the super-race," began the boys in a sing-song and well timed chorus. "We belong to the chemical group of the intellectual levels, being born of sires who were great chemists, born of great chemists for many generations.

There are no longer any mongrels among the men of Germany, for every one of you is created for his special purpose and every German is fitted for his particular place as a member of the super-race. "The time now draws near when the final purpose of our good old German God is to be fulfilled. The day of this fulfilment is known unto me.

This representative of the white-skinned super-race was revealed as weaker than they no trace of the white man's conquering will was to be discerned in his feeble countenance. Why listen any more? Their leaders no longer troubled to translate his words. He went on, however, with the last of his strength holding fast to the thought of paying his debt in full.

"Thus he recorded the second inspiration: 'And even as I have bred these swine, some for bacon and some for lard, so shall the German Blond Brutes be bred the super-men, some specialized for labour and some for brains. "These two ideas are the foundation of the kultur of our Imperial Socialism, the one idea to preserve us and the other to re-create us as the super-race.

Weren't we all like you in America, dazzled before what apparently we were humbly ready to admit as the super-race? And yet in a multitude of ways it is so obviously a people set off by itself in much barbarism. There is its Gothic script which offends the eye somewhat like outlandish runes. Its very language growls and snorts at you, sounds threatening as if angry pardon me for these sentences!

We have the spirit with which the Germans have waged the war, we have the motive for which they have waged it, and we have the ultimate purpose which they hope to achievenamely, to force upon a subjected Europe the rule of the super-race of Treitschke and the bionda bestia of Nietzsche.

These Hans for centuries had believed and taught their children that they were a super-race, a race of destiny. Destined to Whom, for What, was not so clear to them; but nevertheless destined to "elevate" humanity to some sort of super-plane.

Like Nietzsche, the modern German believes that the world must be ruled by a super-man, and that he is the super-man. Like Houston Stewart Chamberlain, the German is convinced that he belongs to a super-race, and that the Teuton has been the master-builder of European civilization.” See an amusing article, “Ornamente,” in the Zukunft.

In the second stage came the dark races who built the so-called ancient civilizations, and fought among themselves to possess private property and women and children. Third came the barbarian Blond Brutes, who were destined to sire the super-race, but the day had not yet come, and they mixed with the dark races and produced the mongrel peoples, which make the fourth.