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"And it is so long," went on the contralto, "since I have seen a man a strong one, I wish to see if my power is gone." "Aha!" thought I; "so you have already laid plans for my capitulation, Gretchen?" "But," said the bass voice once more, "supposing some of the military should straggle along? There might be one who has seen you before. Alas! I despair!

The men continued to straggle into the camp until a late hour of the night; some crept under the shelving rocks and did not come in until the next morning. We were so fortunate as to find our tent, and after much difficulty pitched it under an oak-tree.

To have let them straggle after that point would be tantamount to murder probably. "Ride last!" he ordered Rewa Gunga. "You've got the only other pistol, haven't you?" Darya Khan, who had brought the letter, had a rifle; so King gave him a roving commission on the right flank.

Our guides thought these were only spies of a larger party, concealed in the forest through which we were now about to pass. We prepared for defense by marching in a compact body, and allowing no one to straggle far behind the others. We marched through many miles of gloomy forest in gloomier silence, but nothing disturbed us.

The trappers who straggle over the deserts from Texas our horsemen will lasso. They will bring them in bound as prisoners." "Miguel, mi compadre," said the Governor, "do you think they can cross the deserts?" He was startled by Peralta's views of the future. "Senor," said the Captain, "I saw the first American who came overland. The wanderer appeared in 1826. It was the 20th of December.

Their mothers and big brothers are looking on, their "chums" are shouting to them along the course, and the winning-post is not very far ahead. On they go, but not in a level row. One has taken the lead, and the others straggle behind him in a queer procession. It doesn't last long.

Hence has arisen the still popular classification of languages into an "isolating" group, an "agglutinative" group, and an "inflective" group. Sometimes the languages of the American Indians are made to straggle along as an uncomfortable "polysynthetic" rear-guard to the agglutinative languages.

It forms the center of the tiny village, whose houses cluster close to the mourning image and then straggle thinly along the three roads. Not even the war which swept over in all its ferocity has robbed Vauchelles of its winding charm.

Within the old walls of its immense abbey the town of Villeneuve has built itself a rough faubourg; the fragments with which the soil was covered having been, I suppose, a quarry of material. There are no streets; the small, shabby houses, almost hovels, straggle at random over the uneven ground.

Leaping Horse brought down another one and Jersey Dick held his fire, and instead of keeping straight on they began to straggle round. And they kept at that all day. Sometimes they would get in pretty close, but each time they did the chief brought down a horse, and when his rider, who was of course hanging on the other side of him, got up to run, I fetched him down.