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Then that high-souled smiter of the lord of the Haihayas, beholding those darts of mine equipped with gold-decked handles and resembling snakes emerged out of their holes, and filled with wrath at the sight, had recourse once more to celestial weapons! Then swarms of fierce arrows, looking like flights of locusts fell upon me and overwhelmed me, my steeds, my charioteer, and my car!

So, O dark mystery of the Moral World! so, unlike the order of the External Universe, glide together, side by side, the shadowy steeds of NIGHT AND MORNING. Examine life in its own world; confound not that world, the inner one, the practical one, with the more visible, yet airier and less substantial system, doing homage to the sun, to whose throne, afar in the infinite space, the human heart has no wings to flee.

We pushed on as rapidly as the strength of our steeds would allow, though that was far from fast enough to suit Mr Vernon's impatience. We met with a variety of adventures also.

Make ready for the road your steeds, your palfreys, and the pack horses, and I will give you riches and gear enough for the journey." "Sir," said Messire Thibault, "thanks and gramercy." Thus these pilgrims arrayed them, and sought that shrine with marvellous joy. They fared so speedily upon the way, that at length they came near to my lord St. James, by less than two days faring.

Arrived at the space left open between these divisions cheerfully urge thou the steeds.

Deprived of cars and steeds and pierced with shafts from every side, 25,000 foot-soldiers proceeded towards Partha and surrounded him. The son of the Pancala king, the celebrated Dhrishtadyumna, was a mighty bowman possessed of great beauty and a crusher of large bands of foes.

So they mounted their steeds with renewed spirits, and journeyed with all speed to Tahart, the capital of the Zenetes. When Abderahman entered the place, followed by his six rustic Arabs, all wayworn and travel-stained, his noble and majestic demeanor shone through the simple garb of a Bedouin. A crowd gathered around him, as he alighted from his weary steed.

And loud cries of oh and alas arose among the warriors engaged in battle. And one force seemed to merge into another force. And thus all were filled with wonder. Then Salya, mace in hand, alighting from his large car, slew, O bull of Bharata's race, the four steeds of Sankha. And then there fell from Bhishma's car innumerable arrows by which were covered the entire welkin and the earth.

Arjuna, however, excited with rage, checked those thousands of cars and elephants and steeds, and ultimately caused those foes to turn back. Then Suvala's son, with eyes red as copper with rage, deeply pierced Arjuna, that slayer of foes, with twenty shafts. And once more shooting a hundred shafts, he checked the progress of Partha's great car.

I looked down the dark, but there was nought except the servant in the light of the hanging lamp, holding the curbs of the two horses that leaped and reared with nervous limbs and fiery eyes behind him. "Is it horses? steeds? oh, bridles!" "But thou'rt a very dunce! The last syllable is groom." "Oh!"