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It is useful to be able to classify a flower and to know that the buttercup belongs to the Family Ranunculaceae, with petals free and definite, stamens hypogynous and indefinite, pistil apocarpous. But it is far sweeter to learn about the life of the little plant, to understand why its peculiar flower is useful to it, and how it feeds itself, and makes its seed.

In poor soil, terminal heads are often reduced to 10-20 monstrous organs, and in such cases I found the lateral flowers of the same plants ordinarily with less than 10 altered stamens. In some cases I allowed the branches of the third and fourth degree, in other words, the side twigs of the first branches of my selected plants to grow out and produce flowers in the fall.

The five subsequent Classes are distinguished not by the number of the males, or stamens, but by their union or adhesion, either by their anthers, or filaments, or to the female or pistil. XVI. ONE BROTHERHOOD, Monadelphia. XVII. TWO BROTHERHOODS, Diadelphia. No. xvii. XVIII. MANY BROTHERHOODS, Polyadelphia. Many Stamens united by their filaments into three or more companies, as in No. xviii.

In some instances the complete double whorl of six, corresponding to the ancestral monocotyledonous type, has been found. This is a very curious case of systematic atavism, quite analogous to the Iris pallida abavia, previously alluded to, which likewise has six stamens, and to the cases given in a previous lecture. But for our present discussion it is of no further interest.

The second presents a sectional view of these stamens, showing their peculiar S-shaped filaments and ring of anthers one of the latter being shown separate at the right, with its two pores and exposed pollen. The freshly opened blossom discloses the entire ring of anthers in perfect equilibrium, each with its two orifices closed by close contact with the style, thus retaining the pollen.

He admired the purple tint of its pistil and the gold of its stamens, which contrasted charmingly with the brilliant whiteness of the petals, and said unconsciously: "There is a lovely flower which I have not yet shown to my Stephane: I must carry it to him."

They should be transplanted in April or September, and be set eight inches apart, in rows nine inches asunder, and in beds which are two feet wide, with narrow alleys between them. A part of these plants are non-bearers. These have large flowers with showy stamens and high black anthers. The bearers have short stamens, a great number of pistils, and the flowers are every way less showy.

Flowers on the extreme top of the matured stems, and arranged in a cluster as in the Melon Cactus, small, tubular; the petals united at the base, and the stamens attached to the whole face of the tube thus formed, expanding only at night, and fading in a few hours. These flowers have a disagreeable odour, not unlike that of boiled cabbage. Fruit fleshy, round, persistent, usually red when ripe.

A neat-habited and dense-growing shrub, with pretty white flowers that are neatly set off by the showy yellow stamens. It is an extremely pretty shrub, with long, slender, much-branched shoots, furnished with ovate leaves, and deliciously-scented, snow-white bell-shaped flowers, produced for nearly the full length of the shoots. So far, this shrub of recent introduction has proved quite hardy.

Some of the bell-flowers close their apertures at night, or in rainy or cold weather, as the convolvulus, and thus protect their included stamens and pistils.