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So completely to the family's satisfaction would we achieve our work, that the Keeper would mention how that there was something wrong with the bell of the turret stable-clock up at the Hall, and that if we thought good of going up to the housekeeper on the chance of that job too, why he would take us.

For as I saw them they pointed infallibly to the conclusion that Banks had accepted once more the yoke of servitude; that he had made his exit through the servants' quarters and had meekly taken up his tasks again with the winding of the stable-clock. If you would interpret the riddle of human motives, put no confidence in logic. The principles of logic are founded on the psychology of Anyone.

But when the stable-clock on the other side of the house struck noon, it reminded her that she had sat in that pleasant shadow for more than an hour without threading her needle or reading a line. Her reflections were coloured with a tinge of disappointment.

She again moved noiselessly from place to place, at length deciding that only at one point the point where she had first stood could the sounds be heard distinctly. So to that spot once more the girl returned, standing there like a statue, her ears strained for every sound, waiting and wondering. But the Whispers had now ceased. In the distance the stable-clock chimed two.

The Jervaises were uncomfortably warm in their reassurances. They felt, no doubt, the growing impatience of all their other visitors pressing forward with the reminder that if the Sturtons' cab did not come at once, there would be no more dancing. Half-way up the stairs little Nora Bailey's high laughing voice was embroidering her statement with regard to the extra stroke of the stable-clock.

The view from the terrace is always so pretty by moonlight. How very warm it is! But don't you think you ought to have a shawl?" They were all mixed up now; there were no more quiet words. Everybody seemed to talk and laugh at once. A stable-clock struck ten, and Mrs. Lennard told Elsie that it was time to go. Francis Ryan and his two ladies went back across the old bridge.