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Troubridge brought word, however, that the French fleet was off Malta, about to attack it, which served to give direction for the squadron's next move. After leaving Naples Nelson wrote strong and clear letters to Sir William Hamilton upon the existing conditions. Why should Naples stand in shivering hesitation about taking a decided step in support of Great Britain?

"The flight to the West Indies," Collingwood said, in a letter dated the day after the one just quoted, "was to take off our naval force, which is the great impediment to their undertaking. The Rochefort Squadron's return confirmed me." "I well know what your lordship's disappointment is," he wrote, with generous sympathy; "and I share the mortification of it.

These documents coupled with the decree of Dec. 1822, awarding the above confiscations to the captors shew so clearly the right of the squadron's claim, and the injustice of the course pursued by the prize tribunal at Rio de Janeiro, in refusing to adjudge Portuguese property to the captors, that further comment is unnecessary.

Continue, we are most impatient." "We left here last Sunday night, as you know," she said. "We passed Algiers the next morning and arrived off the island at mid-day, anchoring outside in the harbor. We flew the Royal Yacht Squadron's pennant, and an owner's private signal that we invented on the way down.

The subaltern at the rear of one troop turned in his saddle and said very softly: 'Carter, what the blessed heavens are you doing at the rear? Bring your men up, man. There was no answer, till a trooper replied: 'Carter Sahib is forward not there. There is nothing behind us. 'There is, said the subaltern. 'The squadron's walking on it's own tail.

The subaltern at the rear of one troop turned in his saddle and said very softly: "Carter, what the blessed heavens are you doing at the rear? Bring your men up, man." There was no answer, till a trooper replied: "Carter Sahib is forward not here. There is nothing behind us." "There is," said the subaltern. "The squadron's walking on its own tail."

Go, summon my brother to share it! His squadron's at arms, and we wait! A regiment is more exacting of its colonel than ever was lady of her lord; the more truly he commands, the better it loves him, until at last the regiment swallows him and he becomes part of it, in thought and word and deed.

It informed me that Thaw had caught a trout three feet long, and that Lufbery had picked two baskets of mushrooms. Day after day the British planes practised formation flying. The regularity with which the squadron's machines would leave the ground was remarkable.

The following night, indeed, he heard from a passing vessel the rumor of the Spanish squadron's regaining Cadiz, with which the Navy Department had been for a moment amused. He stopped, therefore, to communicate with Washington, intending, if the rumor were confirmed, to resume the attack upon San Juan.

Cape Haïtien is distant from Key West nearly seven hundred miles; and throughout this distance, being almost wholly along the coast of Cuba, no close telegraphic communication could be expected. At the squadron's rate of advance it could not count upon arriving at Key West, and so regaining touch with Washington, before the morning of the 19th, and the Department was thus notified.