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This letter and its curious enclosure, surely the oddest marriage contract which was ever penned, George, trembling with excitement, thrust into the hands of Lady Bellamy. She read them with a dark smile. "The bird is springed," she said, quietly. "It has been a close thing, but I told you that I should not fail, as I have warned you of what will follow your success.

The Grand Plan was ambitious, indefinite, but they could not give it up. They had wintered it and springed it, and clung to it through bright days and dark. Suddenly Loraine tapped sharply on the table. "All in favor of spending the summer in the country say 'aye," she cried, "and say it hard!" "Aye!" "Aye!" "Aye!" "Aye!" appended Loraine, and said it hard. "It's a vote," she added calmly.

You have springed your dottrel, I find, and what is the consequence? why, that there will be hue and cry after you presently. The bearer is a pert young lawyer, who has brought a formal complaint against you, which, luckily, he has preferred in a friendly court. Yet, favourable as the judge was disposed to be, it was with the utmost difficulty that cousin Jenny and I could keep him to his tackle.

A post-chaise is still a phenomenon in Chagford, the roads and lanes leading to it being so steep and rugged as to be ill adapted for springed vehicles of any sort. The upland road or track to Tavistock scales an almost precipitous hill, and though well enough adapted for the pack-horse of the last century, it is quite unfitted for the cart and waggon traffic of this.

"He said, 'Oo will. Just like Sylvie says to me 'Oo will do oor lessons till twelve o'clock. Oh, I wiss," he added with a little sigh, "I wiss Sylvie would say 'Oo may do oor lessons'!" This was a dangerous subject for discussion, Sylvie seemed to think. She returned to the Story. "But what became of the Man?" "Well, the Lion springed at him. But it came so slow, it were three weeks in the air "

"Pity you didn't find 'em out afore they comed; then us might have bought the tarpaulins cheap in autumn, 'stead of payin' through the nose for 'em last month. Now 't is fancy figures for everything built to keep out rain. Rabbit that umberella! It's springed a leak, an' the water's got down my neck."