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Hard gas light shewed no adornment, nothing but pitch pine panelling, spittoons, bottles on shelves and an almanac.

"Yes, sir." "It's hard work. You'll have to clean floors and wash spittoons and fill lamps and handle trunks " "I'm willing, sir." "All right. I'll pay you thirty a month and board, and you can begin now, if you feel like it. You can put on the other fellow's rig." And so Jurgis fell to work, and toiled like a Trojan till night.

I hated them from the moment I got there I looked at them very little. But that was a chance. I opened the paper in the hall of an hotel there was a big marble floor and spittoons! and my eyes fell on that horror. It made me ill." "Did you think it was me?" she patiently gaped. "About as soon as I supposed it was my father. But I was too mystified, too tormented."

Groups of men were gathered around spittoons, talking earnestly, gesticulating with fists and elaborate broad-hand, free-arm movements political gestures, as Bradley recognized. "These are your colleagues and their parasites," said Bradley's companion, whose name was Cargill. "Know any of 'em?" "No; I don't know any of the legislators."

"Very well," he said coldly. "You say you want to work for the Revolution. Take off your coat. Hang it over there. I will show you, come where are the buckets and cloths. The floor is dirty. You will begin by scrubbing it, and by scrubbing the floors of the other rooms. The spittoons need to be cleaned. Then there are the windows." "Is it for the Revolution?" the boy asked.

There was a long counter to the left of him, with drawers and miscellaneous commodities ranged behind it, a number of chairs, several tables, and two spittoons to the right, various barrels, cheeses, and bacon up the vista, and beyond, a large archway leading to more space.

Into this constricted space were huddled two imposing roll-top desks, P. Sybarite's high counter, and the small flat desk of the shipping clerk, with an iron safe, a Remington typewriter, a copy-press, sundry chairs and spittoons, a small gas-heater, and many tottering columns of dusty letter-files.

Here, amid the piled-up luggage, the convenient spittoons, the elbowing loungers, the disconsolate "guests," the truculent Irish porters, the rows of shaggy-backed men in strange hats, writing letters at a table inlaid with advertisements, Selah Tarrant made innumerable contemplative stations.

The year after Roosevelt joined "the governing class" in Morton Hall, "a large barn-like room over a saloon," with furniture "of the canonical kind; dingy benches, spittoons, a dais at one end with a table and chair, and a stout pitcher for iced water, and on the walls pictures of General Grant, and of Levi P. Morton," Joe Murray was engaged in a conflict with "the boss" and wanted a candidate of his own for the Assembly.

The others broke out laughing, believing him to be joking; but there was a ferocious look on his face, and Bradley felt that he might be mistaken, but he was not joking. "They stole stationery, spittoons, waste baskets, by God!