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It soon became apparent that his true vocation was history, and in 1818 he left his native town for Paris, where he became attached to the "Courier Français," in the meantime delivering with considerable success a series of lectures on modern history at the Athénée. Mignet may be said to be the first great specialist to devote himself to the study of particular periods of French history.

But, unfortunately, her mind was not great enough to fulfil her aspiration. The most she ever achieved was a fair knowledge of many things a knowledge which seemed surprising to the average man, but which was superficial enough to the accomplished specialist. In her twentieth year it was thought best that she should marry.

The other members of Vere's house-party had returned home, but this poor, good fellow could not tear himself away from the neighbourhood until the doctor had come to some more definite conclusion about Vere. A specialist had been down from town, and he pronounced the spine injured by the fall, but hoped that, with complete rest, recovery was possible in the future. How long would she have to rest?

"Oh, pshaw!" cried her father. "No such thing! You're just scaring yourself over nothing at all!" "Doctor Lake didn't think I was." Lake was the big child specialist in whose care Edith's children had been for years. "I talked to him to-day on the telephone, and he said we should get John out of the house." Roger heartily damned Doctor Lake!

You will never see me again." "I think I have asked you everything. By the why," Jennings balanced his hat between two forefingers, "I suppose your niece's complaint is incurable?" "She thought so until lately. But she has consulted a specialist, who tells her she will walk again in a few months."

He did not openly refer to the fact that among the plans for their round of festivities he had laid out for himself the attending to one or two practical points. He was going to see Palford, and he had made an appointment with a celebrated nerve specialist. He did not discuss this for several reasons.

Having gone through her preliminary training with unprecedented speed, she had established herself as a famous specialist of the brain. People who had gone wrong in their heads would be brought to her by their desperate friends and relatives. If she only would help them out.

He had a reputation that was growing to amount to fame as a specialist in the very wide field of gynecology, obstetrics and abdominal surgery. The words themselves made Miss Wollaston shudder. When he replied to her question, whether or not he had had any sleep at all, with an open grin and that triumphant "Not a wink," she had a prophetic sense of what was going to happen.

Once more: Do not be bullied out of your common sense by the specialist; two to one, he is a pedant, with all his knowledge and valuable qualities, and will "cavil on the ninth part of a hair," if it will give him a chance to show off his idle erudition. I saw attributed to me, the other day, the saying, "Know something about everything, and everything about something."

Doyle had a fanatic faith, with all his calculation, but Louis Akers had only calculation and ambition. A practicing attorney in the city, a specialist in union law openly, a Red in secret, he played his triple game shrewdly and with zest. Doyle turned to go, then stopped and came back. "I was forgetting something," he said, slowly.