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Now she found one could see it by watching the speakers a witty answer to many of Antony's remarks. It seemed as if, for the first time, she had met some one for whom she deemed it worth while to bring into the field every gift of her deep and quick intelligence.

Among them are scientists, engineers, technicians. Equally important are their spokesmen, advisers and apologists: lawyers, preachers, teachers, writers, speakers, publicists, carefully chosen for their ability to apologize, passify, justify and reassure. On the political side are the diplomats and politicians.

Daugotte, delegate from a new association in Belgium, and both were unanimously and joyfully welcomed. At the first evening session the speakers were Mrs. Qvam, Miss Annie Furuhjelm, Finland; Mrs. Isabel May, New Zealand; Armitage Rigby, Isle of Man, all testifying to the good effects of woman suffrage in their respective countries, and Mrs.

I see two lovers hand in hand, kissing the tears away from each other's eyes. I can only rouse the wakeful. Nothing can be done with those who are incapable of feeling noble indignation. I have known two women prefer death to the infamy of conjugal life. Open the newspapers! hardly a line that is not a lie. And poets and speakers flatter a people like that.

It attracts as its guests the most eminent men of letters who visit this country. Its entertainments are always successful. For twenty-nine years it had for its president Mr. Frank R. Lawrence, a gentleman with a genius for introducing distinguished strangers with most felicitous speeches, and a committee who selected with wonderful judgment the other speakers of the evening. A successor to Mr.

When a word is missed, the blunderer has to sit down, and be a spectator only for the rest of the evening. At certain intervals, some of the best speakers mount the platform, and "speak a piece," which is generally as declamatory as possible.

But then, by ill-luck, the powerfully-built fair-haired man, who had been speaking when Winnington and Andrews entered the market place, rushed to the front of the waggon, and in a white heat of fury, began to denounce both the assailants of the speakers, and the crowd in general, as "cowardly louts" on whom argument was thrown away who could only be reached "through their backs, or their pockets" with other compliments of the same sort, under which the temper of the "moderates" rapidly gave way.

In another gallery opposite the throne sat the Foreign Minister and strangers of distinction. The marshal of the ceremony also struck his baton three times on the ground the signal for the speakers from the Diet to deliver their respective addresses, after which the whole procession left the Riks Salon as it came. 'Carl Johan did the King to admiration, though he looked weary and distressed.

On the day appointed for the palaver, one of the most pugnacious of the Mountain-men got leave to open the deliberations. "You're a low-minded, sneaking son of an ignorant father," he said to the spokesman of the Raturans. "You're another," retorted his foe. Having disposed of these preliminary compliments, the speakers paused, glared, and breathed hard.

'The Star Spangled Banner' was then sung in chorus, and a series of resolutions passed, declaring that 'loyal men are the rightful custodians of the peace of Connecticut. Elias Howe, Jr., chairman, made his speech, when the crowd threatened to shoot the speakers.