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After all, the advancement of knowledge still required physical and intellectual research and the joy of living still demanded physical and emotional release, but there was one great barrier to space-travel.

"And just what psychiatric help can I give you?" Holden said tiredly: "I don't like this any better than you do, Jed. I'm scared to death of space-travel. But go get your ticket and I'll tell you about it on the way up. It's a special production job. I'm roped in on it too." "Happy holiday!" said Cochrane, because Holden looked about as miserable as a man could look. He went to the ticket desk.

"Everywhere," said Bors. "But we've computers for it. And they're quite adequate." Logan shrugged. "Then what do you need me for?" "You tell me!" said Bors, nettled. "Certainly we don't need calculations for space-travel. We've no long journey in mind. We're simply going to go out and do some fighting when the Mekinese fleet gets here." Logan blew another smoke-ring.

Verkan Vall concentrated on relighting his pipe, for a moment, then continued: "I would predict space-travel on that sector within the next century. Maybe the next half-century, at least to the Moon. And the art of taxidermy is very highly developed. Now, suppose some farmer shoots that thing; what would he do with it, sir?" Tortha Karf grunted. "Nice logic, Vall.

It was the tension that space-travel then, at its beginning produced. It was meaningless savagery due to terror. But, of course, Pop was helpless to resent it. There were no weapons on the Moon and the mention of Sattell's name showed the uselessness of bluff. He'd pictured the complete set-up by the edge of the Big Crack. Pop could do nothing. The red-headed man checked himself, panting.

Then he became as visibly angry as a man of his civilization and culture-level ever permitted himself. "What does that fool think we have a Paratime Code for?" he demanded. "It's entirely illegal to transpose any extraterrestrial animal or object to any time-line on which space-travel is unknown. I don't care if he is a green-seal thavrad; he'll face charges, when he gets back, for this!"

Science-fiction was new, in 1930; atomic energy was a dream we believed in, and space-travel was something we tried to understand better. Today, science-fiction has become a broad field, atomic energy despite the feelings of many present adults! is no dream.

Space-pilots could take the strain of space-flight because they had work to do. Workers for the lunar mines could make the trip under heavy sedation. But it was too early in the development of space-travel for pleasure-passengers. They weren't prepared for the more humbling facts of life.

As a matter of fact, we're no more likely to catch an extra-terrestrial disease than to catch wry-neck from sick chickens!" "That broadcast's nothing to worry about," said Cochrane. "But it is!" insisted Holden. "Dabney and that fool biologist presented space-travel as a reason for panic!

"I'm told I do," said Bors, harassedly. "But I don't know what they are." "Then how can I make them?" asked Logan with lifted eyebrows. "Naturally," said Morgan, "you'll find out the kind of calculations he needs, that he can't get anywhere else. That'll be the kind he needs from you." "Hm," said Logan. He blew a smoke-ring, thoughtfully. "Where do you use calculations in space-travel?"